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Henry & Anne - S2E2
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Season: 2

Original Air Date: 4/6/08

: Michael Hirst

Director: Jeremy Podeswa

Name of Episode:
Tears of Blood

Special Guests:


(Previously on The Tudors:) Divorce, Tudor style. As the Catholic Church struggles in vain to control Henry VIII's demands for an annulment, the King appoints himself head of the Church of England. A cook is blackmailed into poisoning a high-ranking bishop; then boiled alive for his crime. When Anne Boleyn insists Henry break all contacts with Katherine, the noble Queen is banished from court. The Reformation has begun.
As the Catholic Church struggles in vain to control Henry VIII's demands for an annulment, the King appoints himself head of the Church of England. When Anne Boleyn insists Henry break all contacts with Katherine, the noble Queen is banished from court. The Reformation has begun. Anne is created Marquess of Pembroke before she and Henry visit France to present Anne as the future Queen of England and Henry's future wife.

Full Recap

In a dark room a hooded figure is seen with three cards. The Queen of Hearts, the King of Diamonds and the Queen of Spades, presumably representing Katherine, Henry and Anne. The figure places the Queen of Spades between the other two cards and then cuts off its head.
In parliament, Bishop Fisher continues to reject secular authority over the Church. The Church should be free from harm and poison, clearly referring to the recent poisoning of clergymen, including himself. Thomas Boleyn tells his son that the king cannot allow this and must break the Church.
When Mark Smeaton enters the palace he comments to Thomas Wyatt about the lack of Christmas cheer. Thomas Wyatt tell him that the queen and her ladies are not here and he quotes a French saying: A court without ladies is like a garden without flowers.
Anne and Henry receive are presented with various Christmas presents. Henry has given Anne some fine cloth and he tells her he's also had a great bed made, which is almost ready. Anne bought Henry two spears, the best there are, of course. He feigns an attack on the poor servant bearing the spears. Then a servant presents a fine silver goblet and the king likes it, until he is told that it's from Queen Katherine and then he refuses to accept the gift.
The Chancellor, Sir Thomas More arrives and Anne tries to loosen her hand but Henry continues to hold it. Sir Thomas More presents the king with a seasonal gift, a large silver crucifix. The king tells him there is a lot of work concerning the management of his kingdom and the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and their abuses. He then wishes Thomas a happy Christmas.
In a crowded room, King Henry calls to Charles Brandon, wishes him happy Christmas and asks about a game of tennis. Charles gets serious and asks about the rumours concerning Anne and Thomas Wyatt. The king tells him that Anne denies them and when Charles replies: "She would," Henry gets angry with Charles and storms off.
Thomas Cromwell tells Thomas Cranmer that the King has appointed him a special envoy to the imperial court. He also suggest to Cranmer that, on his way there, he could visit the German city of Nürnberg, a city run by Lutherans and reformers, free of popery.
Henry tells Anne about Charles' comments and Anne suggests banishment from court.
In Anne's room, Nan is clearing away cutlery. When she is out of the room, the hooded figure enters, places the three playing cards on the table and disappears again. Henry tells Anne he intends to draw up a new treaty with France and that he will present her to the French king as his future wife and future queen of England. Thomas Cromwell talks to the Archbishop of Canterbury and tells him the king plans a new bill denying the Pope revenue from the English Church and reducing the privileges of the clergy. After her outing with the king, Anne enters her room, sees the cards and recognised them for what they represent. She calls it a prophecy, her head is cut off.
Charles Brandon, the Duke of Suffolk, receives a royal edict from Thomas Cromwell banishing him from court.
In a room crowded with bishops, King Henry mentions the oath they swear to the Pope and claims it contrasts to the oath they have sworn to him. He demands that they choose whose subjects they are, his or the Pope's.
Thomas More receives Sir George Throckmorton and aks him to remain strong and true and assures him he will deserve God's great reward.
In the next scene, Sir George is preaching in Church in the presence of the king and denounces the King's claim for authority over the Church. He compares the king to the biblical Ahab who marries the ***** Jezebel. He is forcibly removed from the pulpit and threatened by Thomas Cromwell.
In parliament, the king awaits the decision of the bishops concerning their loyalty and the authority of the king. The Archbishop of Canterbury enters and presents the king with the submission of the clergy.
In a private audience with the king, Sir Thomas More resigns as Chancellor and promises never to speak about the king's great matter in public. The king accepts the resignation and praises him. Sir Thomas tries to convince the king to reconcile with Queen Katherine. The king states that he will hold Thomas to that promise.
Thomas Wyatt visits the Queen's residence and delivers a letter to one of her ladies in waiting, Lady Elizabeth, telling the Queen, whom he calls the Lady Katherine, that she is to return the official jewels. Thomas Wyatt then flirts with Lady Elizabeth but she resists his advances. He tells her to look in her pockets and it contains one of his poems.
At court, Henry discusses his visit to France and stresses its importance to the French ambassador. Anne presents Mark Smeaton to the king and Smeaton plays a merry tune. Henry asks Anne whether they can forgive the Duke of Suffolk, he apparently misses his best friend. Anne says that he shouldn't forgive him too quickly or people might think what he said was the truth. Henry tell Anne he will invite Thomas Wyatt to come with them to France in order to stop the rumours and so people cannot accuse him of jealousy.
Thomas Cromwell tells Thomas Boleyn about a letter he received from Thomas Cranmer from Nürnberg, where clergy are allowed to marry, so Cranmer did just that, despite him being a priest. When Cromwell mentions that priests cannot marry 'now', Boleyn is amazed and asks about Cromwell's plans for the future of the English Church. Cromwell explains that he is not interested in reforming the Catholic Church, his real interest is destroying it. Boleyn states that he understand him perfectly. Henry teases Anne about something important that has to be done before their trip to France.
As it turns out, Anne is created Marquess of Pembroke in her own right. Charles Brandon is also present at the ceremony.
Sir Thomas More comes to pay his respects to the dead Archbishop of Canterbury, who died peacefully.
In the woods, Thomas Wyatt is seen flirting with Elizabeth again, this time with considerably more success as she allows him to take off her dress.
Thomas More tries to prepare his daughter Margaret for the fact that he may become a martyr as a result of his beliefs.
Anne shows off some new gowns to King Henry. They're in the French fashion and made from the cloth he have her as a Christmas present. Heny assures her he will be proud of her and presents her with the official jewels of the Queen of England. Anne wants to be kind to him in return and puts her hand inside his pants.
In the catacombs, Ambassador Chapuys talks to his fellow conspirator again and promises him heaven.
The scene shifts to English occupied France where King Francis is greeted like a brother by Henry. They renew their friendship and that of their nations.
Francis apologizes for the absence of his wife. He also suggests a joint crusade with Henry. Reconquering the Holy Land would make the Pope very happy.
Thomas Boleyn invites Charles Brandon and his wife for dinner, but Charles bluntly refuses. Boleyn mentions the rumours that Charles supports the Queen rather than the King.
Mark Smeaton is delighted to see Anne's sister. She reminds him she is still in mourning after the death of her husband but confesses to wanting to ride some young, French stallion. Mark shares the sentiment.
A group of five nubile but masked female dancers appears and give a performance. King Francis is invited to join them after which it is revealed that he is dancing with Anne. King Francis and Anne talk in private and Anne mentions that he might know things about her that she would prefer king Henry not to know. He assures her that, as a Frenchman, he would never betray the secrets of a woman. He tell her he supports her marriage to King Henry. Partly because it displeases the emperor, the nephew of Queen Katherine, and partly because he knows Anne likes France. He warns her that becoming a queen is difficult for people not born to that.
From a distance Thomas Wyatt confesses to Mark Smeaton that he has tried to deny his feeling for Anne.
Anne reminisces with her sister about their time in France as ladies in waiting to the French Queen.
In a fire-lit room, the hooded figure is seen taking aim at Anne, but king Henry enters the room and he flees.
Later on, king Henry puts his hand on a painting of a pregnant woman and then makes love to Anne.

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Unanswered Questions

  • Who is the hooded man who points his gun at Anne?

  • What was the nature of Anne's relationship to Thomas Wyatt?

Best Moments

  • Anne becomes nobility in her own right as Marquess of Pembroke.
Marquess of Pembroke

  • Anne finds prophetic cards in her chambers
Episode 2.02 - The Tudors Wiki

  • Henry gets the submission of the Clergy to his authority.

  • More resigns the Chancellorship.
Episode 2.02 - The Tudors Wiki

  • Anne is presented to King Francis.
Anne & Francis

Best Quotes

  • Thomas Boleyn-"The King cannot allow this. One way or another he must break the church, now and for always"

  • Charles Brandon -" Are you really going to marry Mistress Boleyn, Whatever the consequences, whatever the history? I have it on good authority that she and Wyatt were once lovers. Apparently she fornicated with him on many occasions, sometimes brazenly entering his chambers at night."

  • Thomas Wyatt-"You know what the French say, a court without ladies is like garden without flowers"

  • Thomas Cranmer-" He really is the kindest of princes"

  • Henry VIII -"I want to present you formally to the King of France both as my future wife and the future queen of England"
  • Anne Boleyn-'My God'

  • Anne Boleyn -"Here is a book of prophecy, this is the king this is the queen and this is myself with my head cut off"

  • Henry VIII (to the cardinals)-"My lords, I demand to know whose subjects are you? The Pope's or mine? "

  • Warham -"Your Majesty, Here is the subjucation of the clergy to your majesy's will"

  • Thomas More-"Cromwell might as well rape the virgin Mary herself"

  • Thomas Boleyn-"There, they have surrendered, the church is broken"

  • Thomas More-"Now by an act of parliament, heretics are free to swan around London without check "

  • Thomas More-"I promise on my honor that I will never speak publicly of your majesty's great matter"
  • Henry VIII-"My lips are forever sealed.Thomas I will hold you to that promise."

  • Thomas Cromwell (to Thomas Boleyn)-"Perhaps I have never fully explained myself to you, your grace......I have never been interested in reforming them [the priests] my real and only interest is in destroying them"

  • Thomas More-"We have fought and we failed . All I want now is to be left in peace to write and pray"

  • Thomas More (to his daughter)-"We must discuss the question of martyrdom"

  • Thomas Boleyn-"What happened to you?"
  • Charles Brandon - " I grew up"

  • King Francis-" I am a Frenchman. I would never betray the secrets of a woman."

  • Mary Boleyn-"I cant wait to ride some young french stallion while I am here."
  • Mark Smeaton-'Between you and me, neither can I'

  • Thomas Wyatt -"I have tried to run from the fire that burns me but when I look around I see the fire still burns me"

  • Chapuys (to assassin)- "If you succeed in killing the King's *****, you will be beloved of God, of His Holiness and of the Emperor"

  • Anne Boleyn -"Now my love, let me conceive and we will have a son"

  • King Francis (to Anne)-"The station you will be asked to occupy is not an easy one. Especially to those not born to it. It is much harder to have everything than to have nothing."


  • Anne Boleyn really was presented to Francis I in Calais in 1532 during a masked dance, and as depicted in this episode, Francis' wife and sister declined to attend out of respect for Katherine of Aragon.
  • When Henry and Anne are walking through the snow covered garden they pass The Venus De Milo. This statue wasn't discovered until 1820 which is 288 years later.
  • The dogs did indeed lick Henry's blood as the Friar prophesies. When The King's body was left overnight on journey to Windsor it swelled, broke its wraps and the dogs were found to be licking the blood that had seeped out. [*NB However, most historians believe this to be a apocryphal tale with no primary source]
  • Anne Boleyn in reality did find a set of cards in her room but she glossed over the incident by saying that the Queen depicted was Katherine. Interestingly enough there was an old prophecy which haunted Anne which went, "When the Tower is red and another place green we shall have burnt two Bishops and a Queen. When all is passed we shall have a merry world."
  • Elizabeth Darryl was in real life Thomas Wyatt’s mistress and was to remain so to his death (Antonia Fraser, “The Lady in The Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn)


The page that brings in the Biscayan boar spears is the same poor guy who was accosted by Anne about Henry's shirts


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Episode 2.02 - The Tudors Wiki
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Anne Boleyn as played by Natalie Dormer

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