Henry's Foreign Policy

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What was King Henry VIII's Foreign Policy & was it effective?
First Half of Henry's Reign with Thomas Wolsey
1509 April Henry VIII succeeds Henry VII
1511 Nov England joins Holy League against Louis XII of France
1512 April Henry VIII declares war on France
1513 June English army, numbering 30,000, is despatched to France
Aug Battle of the Spurs at Therouanne and the capture of
Sept Scots defeated at the battle of Flodden Field
Tournai surrenders to Henry VIII
1514 Aug Treaty of St Germain-en-Laye between England and
France; Wolsey becomes Bishop of Tournai
1515 Jan Francis I succeeds Louis XII
Sept. French victory at the battle of Marignano
1518 May Wolsey made a Papal Legate
Oct Peace of London and Anglo-French treaty (with Tournai
returned by Henry in return for a French pension)
1519 June Charles, King of Spain and Duke of Burgundy, is elected
Holy Roman Emperor
1520 June Meeting between Henry VIII and Francis I at the `Field of
the Cloth of Gold'
1521 Aug Secret Treaty of Bruges signed between Henry and
Charles V
1522 Jan Wolsey fails in attempt to be elected Pope
March Wolsey's Military Survey seeks to discover England's
military and taxable resources, leading to raising of
forced loans in 1522 and 1523
May Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, raids northern France
1523 July Parliament grants half of subsidy demanded by Wolsey
Dec Suffolk's march on Paris ends in defeat after Charles V
failed to support England
1525 Feb Charles V defeats and captures Francis I at battle of
March Wolsey attempts to collect Amicable Grant
May Amicable Grant withdrawn after taxpayers' revolt
Aug Henry signs Treaty of More with France
1526 May Henry sponsors League of Cognac
1527 April Treaty of Westminster between England and France,
against Charles V
June Henry decides to seek papal annulment to
1528 Jan Wolsey imposes trade embargo on
Low Countries
March Serious disturbances in cloth-making
areas of East Anglia
and South East
1529 Aug Ladies' Peace of Cambrai
between Francis I and Charles V
Oct Wolsey is charged with
praemunire and surrenders the
Great Seal
1530 Nov Wolsey arrested on charge of
treason, dies in Leicester en
route from York to the Tower