Humourous Captions Page 3

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Humorous Captions
Page 3
*8 Captions max

The Tudors Image Captions - The Tudors Wiki

Photo # 3
#1 Caption:
HENRY: "Urge to annul marriage, raising!"
BRERETON: "Urge to kill, raising!"
ANNE: "Urge to rip Henry a new one if he makes eyes at Seymour again, raising"
Submitted by: Boudica

#2 Caption: Henry:Oh Anne I.........MMMMMMMM COOKIES!!

Anne: Lord help me I married a child Just look ahead

Submitted by: ClumsyxHeart
#3 Caption:
Anne: If I'm lucky, maybe that headache he has will kill him and I will be The new ruler of England.
Henry: Anne has the worst case of halitosis I've ever smelled.
Submitted by: Weasetta

#4 Caption: Henry: (Bemused to himself)
She holds her head so high every time she is on my arm that she always steps in the horse manure. Heh heh.
I'll tell her politely later to clean her shoes. Maybe I shouldn't..
Anne: I think I'll will make a great impression with the Ambassador with my knowledge of... Henry? What is that god awful smell?!

Submitted by: MissAlexsays
#5 Caption: Henry is having difficulty deciding what is more irritating....Anne's endless badgering or his new codpiece.

Submitted by: offwithherhead
#6 Caption: "Maybe if I close my eyes and think really hard, I can imagine myself playing tennis instead of having to attend this boring ceremonies. Yes, one point for me!"

Submitted by: queen_elizabeth_1533
#7 Caption: It took months of trial and error but Anne eventually figured out the right combination of drugs to keep Henry quiet, happy and completely under control.

ANNE (thinking): And now that Henry's had his walkies so that everybody can see that their King is alive and well, I can turn him over to George and Norris for feeding while Cromwell and I get to work. We really do make quite a team when it comes to running the country. Thank God he gave me a head's up about the whole "adultery" investigation. This'll teach Henry not to even think about chopping my head off!

Submitted by: Holly2
#8 Caption: Anne: I never thought that being Queen would bore me so. I guess it is time to start acting bad.
Henry: Damn, I wish she would act a little more saucy. I need some conflict in my life, or being the drama queen that I am, I won't be happy.
Submitted by: Darrrrksunshine
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