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Princess Mary Tudor
Timeline of

Historical Events
in the life of

Princess Mary Tudor

February 18, 1516 born at the Palace of Placentia, in Greenwich.
1518 contracted to marry the Dauphin of France, Francis, son of Francis I of France.
June 15, 1519 birth of Henry Fitzroy, son of Henry VIII and his mistress Bessie Blount, through out his life Fitzroy would be groomed as a potential heir for this father
1521 betrothal to the Dauphin is broken and Mary is now contracted to marry her cousin, Charles V. Holy Roman Emperor. In the marriage agreement Mary is designed as the heir to the English throne if her father dies without "an heir male"
June 1522 meets her fiance, Charles V, during a state visit to Greenwich
1525 created the Princess of Wales, a title normally given to the male heir of the English throne. Mary was the first and only female to be granted the title in her own right.
1526 sent to her own court in Ludlow to preside over the Council of Wales and the Marches.
February 1526 Henry VIII starts courting Anne Boleyn
July 1526 Emperor Charles V breaks his betrothal by marrying instead Isabella of Portugal
May 17, 1527 First ecclesiastical court convened to hear King Henry's arguments for requesting annulment to Queen Katherine
July 14, 1531 Her Father separates from her mother, Queen Katherine of Aragon who is now banished from court
May 23, 1533 Archbishop Thomas Cranmer declares the marriage between King Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon void, Mary is declared illegitimate and no longer a princess
September 7, 1533 Birth of Princess Elizabeth Tudor, Mary is required to serve her infant sister as a lady in waiting
September 1534 Mary is gravely ill, the King sends his personal physician to attend her and grants Katherine of Aragon permission to visit her daughter, sensing a political trap to force submission to the King's divorce with Mary used as bait, Katherine declines
November 1534 - Early 1535 Act of Supremacy is passed by Parliament which declared the king head of the Church of England, also the Treason Act made denying any royal their "dignity, title, or name of their royal estates" a capital offense
January 7, 1536 Katherine of Aragon dies in exile at Kimbolton & Mary is denied permission to attend her mother's funeral
May 19 1536 Execution of Anne Boleyn, two days prior Elizabeth was declared illegitimate
May 20, 1536 father is engaged to Jane Seymour, they are married ten days later
June 22, 1536 writes to her father accepting her illegitimate status, the annulment of her parents marriage, and her father's position as Supreme Head of the English Church
July 6, 1536 At Jane Seymour's insistence, King Henry meets with Mary for the first time since the separation from her mother
July 23, 1536 death of half-brother Henry Fitzroy at St. James Palace
October 12, 1537 Birth of Prince Edward
October 24, 1537 Death of Jane Seymour, Mary was mourner in chief for her stepmother's funeral
December 26, 1539 Mary meets with her suitor, Duke Philip of Bavaria for the first time at Westminster.
January 6, 1540 father marries Anne of Cleves
July 9, 1540 father's marriage to Anne of Cleves annulled
July 28, 1540 father marries Katherine Howard
February 13, 1542 Katherine Howard is executed, marriage to father annulled earlier
July 12, 1543 father marries Catherine Parr
July 14, 1543 Third Succession Act is passed by Parliament - restores Mary and Elizabeth to the succession after Prince Edward and his heirs
January 28, 1547 King Henry VIII dies, Prince Edward Tudor accesses the throne
Spring 1547 Thomas Seymour writes to Mary proposing marriage, Mary refuses, Seymour weds Catherine Parr in secret in May
January 15, 1549 House of Lords passes The Act of Uniformity which forbids the Catholic mass and introduces the Book of Common Prayer, Mary would defy this law for the duration of her brother's reign
March 18, 1551 meets with her brother the king in hopes of reconciling their religious differences
June 21, 1553 King Edward VI signs a statement disowning his sisters Mary and Elizabeth in favor of Lady Jane Grey to succeed him
July 6, 1553 King Edward VI dies, announcement of the King's death is delayed, both of the king's sisters are invited to court but do not come each sensing the plot against them
July 10, 1553 Lady Jane Grey is proclaimed Queen
July 19, 1553 Forces loyal to Mary disperse Suffolk's troops and Lady Jane Grey is imprisoned in the Tower, Mary is proclaimed Queen
August 3, 1553 Mary and her supporters enter London in triumph
October 1, 1553 Coronation of Queen Mary I
July 25,1553 Mary married King phillipII of Spain
November 1554 Mary thinking she was pregnant,had Thanksgiving services at the dioceese in London
In 1555 Mary obtained a paper bull confiriming that she and phillip were the monarchs of Ireland
Feb 4-9 1555 Protestant Leader's were hunged or burined for there faith,this lasted around four years
March-July 1557 Phillip returned to England to try to prersuade Mary to support Spain in a war against France
13 July 1558 English forces fared badly in the confilct and a a result lost Calais,from England;s finances
November 17,1558 Mary died from a pituitary tumor
December 1,1558 Mary was buried in Westminster Abbey,instead of Peterborough Cathedal where her mother is buried