Team Katherine Past Polls/Ideas for New Polls

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Team Maria/Queen Katherine of Aragon past polls.

This page is here to display the past poll results and also for team members to suggest any ideas they may have for a new poll.

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First Poll Result


With 41.2% Team Katherine thought her best scene was when she gave her speech at the legate court.

Second Poll Result

With 28.7% of the vote Team Katherine decieded their favourite quote from season one was katherine telling Anne "He will tire of you, like all the others".

Katherine and Anne

Add your ideas for future polls here!!
added by: hrm_elizabeth Could we do a poll on our favorite Queen Katherine quotes from the series? We could have a poll for favorite quote from season one and then another for season two.
added by: hohumpigsbum Favourite outfit of Katherine?
added by: TheLadyTudor Favourite referance to Katherine after she left the show.
added by: offwithherhead Maybe we could do a poll on our most favorite portrayal of Katherine of Aragon...from this and other TV series and movies.

Team Katherine this is here to add your favourite quotes from season one. We will have another table for quotes from season two and eventurally vote the two top quotes off against each other in a poll.

Team Koa past polls/ideas for new polls - The Tudors Wiki
Quote "For every scholar that votes for you, I could find a thousand who would vote for me!"
Wolsey begs Katherine
Wolsey Begs Katherine
Quote:" Chasity? You talk to me about chasity when you have a mistress and two children.Your emminence!"

Quote,To Henry " I should like to be your wife in every way".
Queen Katherine

Quote " I take God as my judge I was a true maid wihtour touch of man"
~Note I didnt include the whole quote here as it's very long plus I'm sure you all remember it!
Katherine of Aragon

Quote,To Anne "He will tire of you like all the others!".
Katherine and Henry

Quote,To Henry " You act as though I have the plague.... as if love itself were a plague".
Queen Katherine of Aragon
Quote: (to Wolsey): "I see his majesty's bastard son is made a duke."
Team Koa past polls/ideas for new polls - The Tudors Wiki

Quote: (to Bessie Blount) "The king blames me. He thinks it's all my fault...He does not know how much I suffer."
Katherine & Wolsey
Quote: (to Wolsey) "You are taking my child from me. My child! You are taking her from me as if you are tearing her from my womb."
Team Koa past polls/ideas for new polls - The Tudors Wiki
Quote: (while praying) "I pray you...give me a child."
Team Koa past polls/ideas for new polls - The Tudors Wiki
Quote: (to Mendoza) "I was not abandoned."

Add your favourite quotes from season two here!

Katherine of Aragon
Quote: "Wherever I go, I remain his true wife."
Team Koa past polls/ideas for new polls - The Tudors Wiki
Quote: (to Charles Brandon) "If I had to choose between extreme sorrow and extreme happiness, I would always choose sorrow..."
--The entire quote is rather long, which is why I didn't put it all here.
Team Koa past polls/ideas for new polls - The Tudors Wiki
Quote: (while writing her farewell letter to Henry) "My eyes desire you above all things..."
Katherine and Mary
Quote: " daughter."
Team Koa past polls/ideas for new polls - The Tudors Wiki
Quote: "I will not hand over what is rightfully mine."
Team Koa past polls/ideas for new polls - The Tudors Wiki
Quote: (to Thomas More) "Now it seems I must cease to call myself queen...I shall not yield."