Humourous Captions Page 9

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Humorous Captions Page 9
*8 captions per photo
(there will be a poll when we have 8)
Wolsey looks back at his nemesis
Photo # 9
#1 Caption: Your majesty, please tell me that my dress is better than hers....God knows my jewellery is.

Submitted by: offwithherhead
# 2 Caption:
Henry- "Is she still watching?"
Wolsey- "Yes."
Henry- "Good. Quick, let's start giggling and sneaking glances at her so she thinks we're making fun of her. Hee hee! She'll be soooo mad!"

Submitted by: queen_elizabeth_1533
# 3 Caption: Wolsey: Don't look now but somebody is looking this way. Hahem (clearing throat)
Henry: Oh god no.
Wolsey: Maybe my line about showing her true paradise appealed to her. Hmmmm.
Henry: You always did like sloppy seconds Wolsey old boy.
Submitted by: MissAlexSays
# 4 Caption: "Oh yeah Henry she's bangable alright!"

Submitted by: ClumsyxHeart
# 5 Caption: --WARNING: Shameless Ripping-Off of Own Fan Scripts--

--WARNING: Spoiler of Own Fan Script--

WOLSEY: Don't worry, Your Majesty, I can see her too.

HENRY: Thank God! I was starting to think that I was going mad. (looong pause while brain kicks in gear) Wait a minute... why can I see you?!?!?!

ANNE: Told you he was an idiot.

Submitted by: Holly2
# 6 Caption: HENRY: So, what'd ya think? Could I make it with the one in blue?
WOLSEY: Oh, dude, yeah you could make with her...but *ahem* I wouldn't if I were you.
HENRY: Huh? Why not?
WOSLEY: She's got "a lot" going on if ya know what I mean.
HENRY:Oooh, yeah, I don't want go down that road again.
Submitted by: LNor19

# 7 Caption: "Don't kiss me now, Wolsey, she's looking..."

Submitted by: jmccoy5712

# 8 Caption:
Henry: "That's her."
Wolsey: "That's Mary B's sister? Oh My.....Your Majesty, I had no idea...."
Henry: "Whydidn'tanyone tell me that I was sleeping with the uglier sister???!!!!"
Wolsey: "Well I think that an upgrade is in order"
Henry: "Ya think?"

Submitted by: darrrrksunshine

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