Humourous Captions Page 5

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Humorous Captions Page 5
*8 captions per photo

The Tudors Image Captions - The Tudors Wiki
Photo # 5
#1 Caption:
ANNE: "Welcome back, Mary. Sorry about being illegitamized, meet your new sister Princess Elizabeth."
MARY: "I suppose saying 'But I wanted a pony' would be too cliche?"

Submitted by: Boudica

# 2 Caption: Now than I am all grown up, please tell me that I don't have to sit at the childrens table anymore.

Submitted by: offwithherhead

# 3 Caption: "You're lucky you pissed me off now, because
when I become queen I'm gonna kill everyone who pisses
me off"

Submitted by: ClumsyxHeart

# 4 Caption: "MY hat is ugly? Have you seen the abomination balancing on your head, 'Mother' ? You're obviously still living in the 1520s."

Submitted by: queen_elizabeth_1533

# 5 Caption:
ANNE: you see, it was never my intention to break up your family but I fell in love and the heart... well, the heart wants what it wants. When you're older, you'll understand.

MARY: You really think that you can justify luring my father away from his marriage?

ANNE: Your... your father?! Why on Earth would you think that I would want anything to do with him?! Your mother and I are running away together, tonight.

MARY: Oh...

Submitted by: Holly2

# 6 Caption: ANNE: I know you did NOT just go there. MARY: Yes, I did just go there! *snaps finger*

Submitted by: LNor19

# 7 Caption: ANNE: Look into my eyes, look into the eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, look into my eyes (clicks) you're under (Mary hypnotised)...I didn't usurp your mother's position, you will accept my as your Queen and say i was right and you were wrong about this whole situation... 3,2,1 and your back in the room.

MARY: Hmm, maybe i've been wrong all this time about you. You are the true queen and my mother is just the Dowager Princess of Wales. Lets be friends

ANNE: (to herself) Yes! Thank you Little Britain!!!

Submitted by: Tudorprincess

# 8 Caption: (Mary thinking to herself) "I am SO going to win this staring contest...."

Submitted by : jmccoy5712

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