Humourous Captions Page 20

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Humourous Captions
Page 20
*8 captions per photo
(there will be a poll when we have 8)
Henry dancing
Photo # 20

# 1 Caption: As Henry looks down the line of lovely ladies across from him, he thinks," Did her.....did her.....gonna do her.....want to do her.....did her.....gonna--Oh God, my sister!!"

Submitted by: offwithherhead

#2 Caption: Every time, she says, "Dance with me, brother." I can't dance with the beautiful young maidens with Margaret here! Look, Brandon gets that lovely maid of honor I've had my eye on. It may be difficult to convince him, but maybe he'll agree to trade with me...

Submitted by: queen_elizabeth_1533

# 3 Caption :You put your left leg in, your left leg out, in out, in out, shake it all about... you do the okie cokie and you turn around... thats what its all about... whhoooooo the okie cokie etc etc etc

Submitted by: Neveleo

# 4 Caption : Henry: Margaret, do you think i'm putting a bit of weight on?
Margaret: No, brother, compared to those other guys you're in great shape. Have you seen the size of their asses?

Submitted by: Tudorprincess

# 5 Caption : Henry - look beautiful, are you sure Your my sister, or are you ya know Like AOC sister he smiles and Winks....

Submitted by: funrod6


Submitted by:Clumsyxheart

#7 Caption:
Henry thinks to himself:
"Oh great, every time we have a party, I get stuck dancing with my wretched sister! If it weren't for her, I bet I could get a lot more action. I must think of something to get her out of the picture on a semi-permanentbasis. Perhaps a marriage to a royal far, far away? That will teach her to spoil my fun!"
Submitted by: Darrrrksunshine

#8 Caption:Henry:I said I wanted to go on Dancing With The Stars! Not Dancing With My Sister! Whose the idiot who started this dance? Heads will roll!
Anne Boleyn:(Curtseys)-Your Majesty. I hope you enjoyed the revels I personally have helped planned today in hopes to please you.
Henry:(Completely changing his angry tone of voice)They're marvelous Mistress Anne.
Margaret:Good God. You have more mood swings than I do!
Submitted by: Mizuki09

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