Humourous Captions Page 18

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Humorous Captions Page 18
* 8 captions per page
(there will be a poll when we have 8)

Charles Brandon
Photo # 18
# 1 Caption:Henry Arises from his slumber to realize that Charles Brandon is trying to imitate the guy from the burger king commercials. The people around him realize he is unfortunately failed horribly.

Submitted by: Clumsyxheart
# 2 Caption: (Long caption, sorry)

*After his jousting accident, Henry wakes up... but in a parallel universe*

ALT. BRANDON: Thank the Goddess! You're alive - hopefully the Queen won't have been worried enough about you to make her miscarry!

HENRY: Some friend you are! Where's Jane? I want to see Jane...

ALT. BRANDON: Ssh! If Queen Anne thinks that you're screwing around with other women and wasting your seed, she'll have your head for it!

ALT. JOHN SEYMOUR (thinking): And then maybe with you dead, she might take a fancy to one of my boys - they'd sire the heir she needs, no problem.

ALT. BRANDON: You'd better be careful. You're already on thin ice after the last baby you sired was to weak to come to term and the Queen needs an heir. Pray that the baby's a girl, Henry.

HENRY: You mean a boy.

ALT. BRANDON: You've already given her a son - luckily for you, the Queen took that as a sign that you were at least able to give her healthy children and she adores Prince Edward but she's getting impatient with you.

HENRY: But if she gave me a son, I have an heir...

ALT. NORRIS: What's with this "I" business? How hard did you hit your head?

ALT. BRANDON: Everybody knows that men can't rule queendoms! They don't have the brains for it. Charles of Aragon failed to give her a daughter and look what happened to him - if his Aunt Katherine wasn't the Empress of Spain, he'd have gotten worse. You need to do better.

HENRY (whimpering): I don't like this dream! I want to wake up now!

ALT. QUEEN ANNE (offscreen): You're not dreaming, dear. Now what's this about "Jane"...

Submitted by: Holly2
LOL at the one above! Fantastic!
# 3 Caption: After gorging himself on the entire swan pie, Henry collapses to the floor. His friend Charles Brandon was laughing and said to him, "Bet you don't think that eating is the best way to celebrate now, do you?".

Submitted by: offwithherhead
# 4 Caption: Brandon: "Is he dead?" "Is he dead?"
"hoorah i think he is dead"

Submitted by howardfan

# 5 Caption: "Guys, he's knocked out cold. Quick, anyone have make-up and a wig? Ha ha!"

Submitted by: queen_elizabeth_1533

# 6 Caption: Brandon: Hey you guys, what's this? Oh my god its a camera! We're on television! Let me get my close up. Hi mum!!!

Submitted by: Tudorprincess

#7 Rise and shine sleepyhead! We made your bacon and eggs it's a smiley face shape!

Submitted by: hohumpigsbum
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