Historical Art of Anne of Cleves

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Historical Art of Anne of Cleves
16th Century to 19th Century

Anne of Cleves

Anne/Amelia of Cleves
Disputed sketch of Anne of Cleves by Hans Holbein.
Some believe that the woman in this is sketch in Amelia of Cleves, the sister of Anne of Cleves. Holbein did a portrait of both Amelia and Anne, however the whereabouts of Amelia's painting is unknown. See this <a class="external" href="http://www.geocities.com/lady_anne_of_cleves/anneamelia.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="comparison">comparison</a>
Sibylle von Jülich-Kleve-Berg
Sibylle von Jülich-Kleve-Berg
-another picture of Anne's sister Sybilla
Sybilla of Cleves
Sybilla of Cleves, Anne's older sister. Born in 1512, Sybilla, the oldest of the Cleves daughters, was married to Duke John Frederick of Saxony.
Sybilla & her husband
Anne's sister Sybilla with her husband Frederick of Saxony.

Anne of ClevesAnne of Cleves
Anne of Cleves Parliament painting
Anne of Cleves - Lost Portrait
The Lost Portrait of Anne of Cleves
attributed to the circle of Barthel Bruyn.
Oil on vellum. C.38 by 35.5cm.
According to Peter Hacker and Candy Kuhl (‘A Portrait of Anne of Cleves’, The Burlington Magazine, 134, 1068 (Mar, 1992)):

‘The ex-Bernal picture was lent to the New Gallery, Regent Street, Winter Exhibition, 1899-1900 by a Dr Wickham Flower (cat.no.44). It was sold from the collection of Sir John Ramsden at Christie's, London, 11th July 1930, lot 60. Identified as Anne of Cleves and attributed to Hans Wertinger, when it was purchased by Alec Martin on behalf of a client for £2205 (see A.C.R. CARTER ed.: Christie's Season 1930, London [1930], p.98). Its current whereabouts is unknown.’
Anne of Cleves
Portrait of Anne of Cleves 4th Queen of Henry Viii from "Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth"
by Sarah Countess of Essex
Historical Art of Anne of Cleves - The Tudors Wiki