Cromwell Caption Contest

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Cromwell Caption Contest Banner
LETS GET CREATIVE...(Crommie Pervs let loose)

All entries to be kept in the spirit of good will and fan appreciation. NO HATERS, please.

Comwell and Anne

Insert your caption in the boxes provided. Only 5 captions allowed for this photo. Have Fun!
Caption #1

"Look, I've closed my bloody eyes!! I've already counted to 18 for God's sake woman... it'called 'Hide and Seek'... not 'Stand in Front of Me and Seek'... gaahhh, no wonder he wants to chop your head off..."


Caption #2

I doubt his majesty will be most pleased with you "pleasing" me Anne, Ahhh.....


Caption #3

Anne- "Secretary Cromwell I never would have thought we would end up like this."
Cromwell- "Yes, I know..."
They kiss, blah blah blah
Anne- "Dear God, Tom, this (looks down) is So hard!"
Cromwell- "Shut up and kiss me again. My member is waiting to stirr inside you."

Maggie-AnneB.- Oh please forgive me if offended... But the Perv takes me over! =D

Caption #4

Cromwell: Sorry your Majesty, but Maggie already claimed that part!

Caption #5

"Oh God, I hope she doesn't notice she stepped into the gum I spat out, when she came in! Those shoes do look rather expensive..."


Voting for the best caption begins on completion of all 5 captions.
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Voting on this poll ends June 30th 2009