Cromwell Caption Contest

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Cromwell Caption Contest Banner


All entries to be kept in the spirit of good will and fan appreciation. NO HATERS, please.

Cromwell and the boys

Insert your caption in the boxes provided. Only 5 captions allowed for this photo. Have Fun!

Caption #1

Queen Anne sure does have a nice gents? .........
*raises eyebrows, nudges George*

(after writing this i realised...*i wonder if george would thump Tom for speaking about his sister that way or just laugh it off..* LOL.)

Caption #2

Cromwell - "No George, it goes like this:
This little piggy went to market, This little piggy stayed at home, This little piggy had roast beef, This little piggy had none. And this little piggy went..."Wee wee wee" all the way home..."


Caption #3

Cromwell: So George, if i make a really camp face can I persuade you to join team Cromwell?


Caption #4

Menage' a WHAT with you and Master Smeaton?!

Caption #5

"George, I 'm just not that in to you"

- kiki52
Voting for the best caption begins on completion of all 5 captions.
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Voting on this poll ends 30th June 2009