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<div class="WPC-editableContent"><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="750">  <tr> <td class="" width="100%"> <br/>[[File:QFL8NnO29sUIPwDbFZgAHA34805.jpeg|750px|Cromwell Caption Contest Banner]]<br/><br/><div align="center"> <b><font face="Helvetica" size="6"><i>CAPTION CONTEST #2</i></font> </b></div></td></tr></table><br/><br/><div align="center"> <font size="5">All entries to be kept in the spirit of good will and fan appreciation. NO HATERS, please.</font></div><br/><br/><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="750">  <tr> <td class="" width="62%"> <br/><br/>[[File:LbJPtYby4b0U-VpWo3Vemg142457.jpeg|526px|Cromwell and the boys]]<br/><br/><br/><br/><div align="center">  Insert your caption in the boxes provided. Only 5 captions allowed for this photo. Have Fun!</div> <div align="center"> </div><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="500"> <tr> <td class="" width="100%"> <font color="#ffff00"><b>Caption #1</b></font><br/><br/><font color="#ffff00">Queen Anne sure does have a nice rack....eh gents?...eh? .........</font><br/><font color="#ffff00">*raises eyebrows, nudges George*</font><br/><br/><font color="#ffff00">-Cromwellian1540 </font><br/><font color="#ffff00">(after writing this i realised...*i wonder if george would thump Tom for speaking about his sister that way or just laugh it off..* LOL.)</font></td></tr></table><br/><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="500"> <tr> <td width="100%"> <b><font color="#ffff00">Caption #2<br/><br/>Cromwell - "No George, it goes like this: </font></b><font color="#ffff00" size="3"><i>This little piggy went to market,</i></font><font size="3"> </font><font color="#ffff00" size="3"><i>This little piggy stayed at home,</i></font><font size="3"> </font><font color="#ffff00" size="3"><i>This little piggy had roast beef,</i></font><font size="3"> </font><font color="#ffff00" size="3"><i>This little piggy had none.</i></font><font size="3"> </font><font color="#ffff00" size="3"><i>And this little piggy went...</i></font><font color="#ffff00" size="3"><i><b>"Wee wee wee" </b>all the way home...</i>"<br/><br/><br/></font> <div align="left"> </div><font color="#ffff00">Eternity123</font> </td></tr></table><br/><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="500">  <tr> <td class="" width="100%"> <font color="#ffff00"><b>Caption #3</b><br/><br/>Cromwell: So George, if i make a really camp face can I persuade you to join team Cromwell?<br/><br/>Roxykat<br/></font></td></tr></table><br/><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="500">  <tr> <td class="" width="100%"> <font color="#ffff00"><b>Caption #4</b></font> <br/><br/><font color="#ffff00">Menage' a <i>WHAT</i> with you and Master Smeaton?! </font><br/><font color="#ffff00" size="2">Rummywench</font></td></tr></table><br/><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="500"> <tr> <td class="" width="100%"> <font color="#ffff00"><b>Caption #5</b></font> <br/><br/><font color="#ffff00">"George, I 'm just not that in to you"</font><br/><br/><font color="#ffff00">- kiki52</font></td></tr></table></td> <td class="" width="38%"> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> <b>Voting for the best caption begins on completion of all 5 captions.</b></div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> <embed flashvars="js=false&amp;pid=166241&amp;ad=false&amp;vizu=true&amp;links=true&amp;mainBG=000000&amp;questionText=FFFFFF&amp;answerZoneBG=EEEEEE&amp;answerItemBG=000000&amp;answerText=ffffff&amp;voteBG=C8C8C8&amp;voteText=000000" height="409" quality="high" scale="noscale" src="http://widget.wetpaintserv.us/wiki/thetudorswiki/widget/vizupoll/11d7def6618165cda2323d810054b13b21a3c734" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="187" wmode="transparent"/></div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> <br/>Voting on this poll ends 30th June 2009</div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div></td></tr></table><br/><div align="center"> <font color="#90d6d6" size="4"><u>[[Cromwell Caption Contest #3|CLICK FOR NEXT CONTEST]]</u></font></div><br/></div>
<div class="WPC-editableContent"><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="750">  <tr> <td class="" width="100%"> [[File:QFL8NnO29sUIPwDbFZgAHA34805.jpeg|750px|Cromwell Caption Contest Banner]]<br/><div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> <b><font face="Helvetica" size="6"><i>CAPTION CONTEST #3</i></font></b></div> <div align="center"> </div></td></tr></table><br/><br/><br/><div align="center"> <font size="5">All entries to be kept in the spirit of good will and fan appreciation. NO HATERS, please.</font></div><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="750">  <tr> <td class="" width="61%"> <br/>[[File:IBQVgxI7D1vb2vI3BUILng133942.jpeg|521px|Cromwell - open mouth]]<br/><br/><br/><div align="center">  (Crommie Pervs.....*I know what you're thinking*...... What could possibly be going on below shot...)</div><br/><div align="center"> Have fun with this one!!</div><br/><br/><br/><br/><div align="center"> <b>Insert your caption in the boxes provided. Only 5 captions allowed for this photo. Have Fun!<br/></b></div><br/><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="500"> <tr> <td class="" width="100%"> <b><font color="#ffff00">Caption #1: Cromwell (looking in mirror) "Damn, I am a sexy beast."</font></b><br/>rummywench</td></tr></table><br/><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="500">  <tr> <td class="" width="100%"> <b><font color="#ffff00">Caption #2: The Crommies are there.....</font></b><br/>Cromwell- "Hello ladies....... You want to do what to me?........ Well if you WANT to...."<br/>Stuff happens/ Use Your Imagination Girls, I know you got it! (OMG... The Perv in me resurrects again... and something else.... err..... erects in/outside Cromwell... LOL!)<br/>Cromwell- "Uhmm... right there... right there..... YES!"<br/><br/>Maggie-AnneB.<br/>Well... I am crazy. It's official. LOL! It's lame, but its pervylicious. =D LOL!</td></tr></table><br/><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="500"> <tr> <td class="" width="100%"> <b><font color="#ffff00">Caption #3</font></b><br/><br/><b><font color="#ffff00">On opening his mail, Thomas was thrilled to read that Henry had nominated him to represent his King in the 1200 meters sprint (in full armour) at the Three Nations Olympics 1540 - as you can see, he found the comment 'Beat those Foreign B*******s or I'll throw you to the dogs' particulary motivating.</font></b><br/><b><font color="#ffff00">Never fear though, the Crommy army will be playing a strong supporting role - offering massages, rub downs and showers etc etc</font></b><br/><br/><b><font color="#ffff00">Katie</font></b></td></tr></table><br/><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="500"> <tr> <td class="" width="100%"> <b><font color="#ffff00">Caption #4</font></b> <font color="#ffff00" face="Times New Roman" size="3">Cromwell comes back to his office from a privy council meeting, sits down, breathes a sigh of frustration.....looking down he notices all 8 Crommie pervs hiding under his desk.....his immediate reaction below.... </font>[[File:SdaV7P 0vfMdlACsW3TFtg142129.jpeg|413px|Is that not the cheekiest grin you've ever seen.]] <font size="3"><font color="#ffff00" face="Times New Roman">Hehehehhe</font></font> <font color="#ffff00" face="Times New Roman" size="3">- Cromwellian1540</font></td></tr></table><br/><br/><table align="bottom" cellpadding="3" class="WPC-edit-style-grid1 WPC-edit-border-all WPC-edit-styleData-color1=%23191919&amp;color2=%23474747" width="500">  <tr> <td class="" width="100%"> <b><font color="#ffff00">Caption #5</font></b><br/><br/><b><font color="#ffff00">And this is him after....... ( Don't worry Crommies - a week or two in the LA Home for Abused and Bewildered Actors and he'll be as good as new, bless him)</font></b><br/><br/><br/>[[File:IYuLuY3Gp89eUazApUsovg95034.jpeg|366px|Thomas Cromwell S3]]<br/><br/>Katie</td></tr></table></td> <td class="" width="39%"> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> <b>Voting for the best caption begins on completion of all 5 captions.</b><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><embed flashvars="js=false&amp;pid=166241&amp;ad=false&amp;vizu=true&amp;links=true&amp;mainBG=000000&amp;questionText=FFFFFF&amp;answerZoneBG=EEEEEE&amp;answerItemBG=000000&amp;answerText=ffffff&amp;voteBG=C8C8C8&amp;voteText=000000" height="409" quality="high" scale="noscale" src="http://widget.wetpaintserv.us/wiki/thetudorswiki/widget/vizupoll/11d7def6618165cda2323d810054b13b21a3c734" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="187" wmode="transparent"/></div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center">  Voting on this poll ends June 30th 2009</div></td></tr></table><br/><div align="center"> <b><font size="4"><u>[[Cromwell Caption Contest #4|CLICK FOR NEXT CONTEST]]</u></font></b></div><br/><br/></div>

Revision as of 15:26, 13 November 2020

Cromwell Caption Contest Banner

All entries to be kept in the spirit of good will and fan appreciation. NO HATERS, please.

Cromwell - open mouth

(Crommie Pervs.....*I know what you're thinking*...... What could possibly be going on below shot...)

Have fun with this one!!

Insert your caption in the boxes provided. Only 5 captions allowed for this photo. Have Fun!

Caption #1: Cromwell (looking in mirror) "Damn, I am a sexy beast."

Caption #2: The Crommies are there.....
Cromwell- "Hello ladies....... You want to do what to me?........ Well if you WANT to...."
Stuff happens/ Use Your Imagination Girls, I know you got it! (OMG... The Perv in me resurrects again... and something else.... err..... erects in/outside Cromwell... LOL!)
Cromwell- "Uhmm... right there... right there..... YES!"

Well... I am crazy. It's official. LOL! It's lame, but its pervylicious. =D LOL!

Caption #3

On opening his mail, Thomas was thrilled to read that Henry had nominated him to represent his King in the 1200 meters sprint (in full armour) at the Three Nations Olympics 1540 - as you can see, he found the comment 'Beat those Foreign B*******s or I'll throw you to the dogs' particulary motivating.
Never fear though, the Crommy army will be playing a strong supporting role - offering massages, rub downs and showers etc etc


Caption #4 Cromwell comes back to his office from a privy council meeting, sits down, breathes a sigh of frustration.....looking down he notices all 8 Crommie pervs hiding under his desk.....his immediate reaction below.... Is that not the cheekiest grin you've ever seen. Hehehehhe - Cromwellian1540

Caption #5

And this is him after....... ( Don't worry Crommies - a week or two in the LA Home for Abused and Bewildered Actors and he'll be as good as new, bless him)

Thomas Cromwell S3


Voting for the best caption begins on completion of all 5 captions.

<embed flashvars="js=false&pid=166241&ad=false&vizu=true&links=true&mainBG=000000&questionText=FFFFFF&answerZoneBG=EEEEEE&answerItemBG=000000&answerText=ffffff&voteBG=C8C8C8&voteText=000000" height="409" quality="high" scale="noscale" src="http://widget.wetpaintserv.us/wiki/thetudorswiki/widget/vizupoll/11d7def6618165cda2323d810054b13b21a3c734" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="187" wmode="transparent"/>
Voting on this poll ends June 30th 2009