Humourous Captions Page 14

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Humorous Captions Page 14
* 8 captions per photo

Humour Captions
Photo # 14
# 1 Caption:
"The hills are alive with the sound of music..."
"Oh father, I "burp" couldnt help it, "burp" I had too much wine for breakfast"

Submitted by: FMFJRMGRL


Thomas: UM Anne are you okay?

Submitted By: ClumsyxHeart

# 3 Caption:
Thomas: Good grief daughter, do not sneeze now, your goods will come clean out of your bodice!!! You must save that little accident for the King! It took me 45 minutes to get you laced up that way and my fingers are chaffed!"
Submitted by: Darrrrksunshine

# 4 Caption:
Thomas: "You must always strive to keep the King's love, but do not give into his carnal desires until after you're married... or I am made a Duke...which ever comes first...Anne? Are you even listening to a word I am saying?"
Anne: "*gasp* Can't breathe...corset...constricting...air..."
Thomas "Well of course it's tight, you'd have no cleavage for the King to gawk at otherwise, DRIVE ON!"

Submitted by:Boudica

# 5 Caption: Anne: Me Mo Ma Megh!
Thomas: My god you're flat and you sound like a toad.
Anne: At least I'm not flat where it counts. Ha!
Thomas: You have me there, but it's your teeth missing in back that is grossing me out. Puggh!

Submitted by: MissAlexSays

# 6 Caption: Oh Dad, I don't know how much more I can take from Henry. Because I won't give myself fully to him, he says that he has to distract himself when he gets the other day he just broke out in song and at the top of his lungs he began to sing, "I'm Henry the 8th I am; Henry the 8th I am I am......UURRGGHHH!!!

Submitted by: offwithherhead

# 7 Caption:
Anne- "God, all of this flirtation with Henry is making me hungry. Hey driver! Driver! Pull up to to that inn over there! I'm starving!"
Thomas- "Anne, we just stopped ten minutes ago. Besides, you're going to get fat with all this eating and Henry won't love you anymore and then where will we be?"

Submitted by: queen_elizabeth_1533

# 8 Caption: One of the little known facts about Anne Boleyn was that she was actually a many times great-granddaughter of Cassandra of Troy...

ANNE: Oh my God! I've just had a vision, Papa! I was the Queen but then they told these horrible lies about me and I was arrested and then they sentenced me to death and I think they're going to cut my head off!!!

PAPA BOLEYN: I see. (pause) Did you happen to see if I kept my earldom?

ANNE: I think so.

PAPA BOLEYN: Thank God!... I mean, you should really know better than to pay attention to those silly daydreams, sweetheart, you know it's just your imagination playing tricks on you...

Submitted by: Holly2

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