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Thomas Cromwell- July 28, 1540

Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, one of the greatest statesmen England has ever known was executed on the day of July 28, 1540. Within the year King Henry VIII, "mourned the loss of Cromwell, having perceived that his councillors, "upon light pretext, by false accusations, had made him put to death the most faithful servant he ever had." His misery was so great that he would not listen to music, and remained shut away in his lodgings." (Alison Weir, 'Henry VIII') As of this year, Thomas Cromwell has been dead for 469 years. Over the years Cromwell has never been shown in a good light, even though it was HE that got the ball rolling for change in England, even the world. He is finally, on a larger scale, being appreciated for the things he accomplished, and on his death day, we should all say something in Respect and Remembrance for a man that we all admire greatly, or at least respect; it can be some trait you admire in him, or maybe you find him oddly cute, basically it can be anything, just have fun with it because how can anyone be depressed about a man who has been dead for hundreds of years... * This is for the actual man, not the character portrayed by James Frain, in case you didn't know ;D *

July 28, 1540 - July 28, 2009
469 years... wow.

Miei cari Signor Cromwell...
Your name please Declare what you feel for the man
Maggie (Maggie-AnneB.) Thomas Cromwell was, in my opinion, really one of the few driving forces behind the Reformation; which we all know changed England. The tactics Cromwell used were, I believe, what all of us would use; if we were in the same situations as he was, we would do the same things. He was literally in a fight for his life, ever since he took on the role of King's Minister. He had to throw people under the bus, and although I don't agree with some, I can understand and sympathise with him. Going past politics Cromwell was said to have been a pretty great guy. It warms my heart to hear something like that, because I can find it so believable. Overall, Cromwell was/ is my kind of guy. He was intelligent, ambitious, kind to those he loved, hardworking and rememberable.
Go on with your badself Cromwell, we love ya!
PatsieAnn A man of intelligence, wit and charm, Cromwell was the father of the reformation in England. History has not always been kind but thinking people know England owes you a debt of gratitude.
Nadin [Naphae] He is my hero!! He was intelligent, he knew what he wanted and he pursued his goals till the end!
He has proven that you can achieve anything, no matter who and no matter what you are. He was loyal to his friends and to his king!! He was a man who loved his country. He did everything for his country. He was and he is a great man!

Fotos para el Señor Cromwell?
Your name goes down there Thee Pictures go here, oh and also say a little something about it
Maggie (Maggie-AnneB.) Fear Not For The Future, Weep Not For The Past- Percy Bysshe Shelley
"Fear not for the future, Weep not for the past..." what a timeless quote; quoted by Percy Shelley. When I had set out to make this, I COULD NOT FIND ANYTHING TO FIT THIS PICTURE. Then I found this. I think it fits the picture perfectly, especially the "Weep not for the past," although it annoys me for some reason... "Weep not of the past,"ok what I want that to be understood as, he should not worry nor regret what he had done, for it is In The Past. "Fear not for the future," Thomas Cromwell is forever immortal, kept alive by what he had accomplished, what he had ultimately overlooked- Henry Will Hurt You, No Matter What, No Matter Who You Are, and Thomas is kept alive, in memory, by us. The Crommies. :D

One of the best poems out there about Cromwell, was written by the fabulous Howardfan!
Here it is, in all it's Cromwellian Glory.
Oh and if you want to you can paste your own poem here.


Did my hard work serve you well?
Was not my name on your lips swell?
I toiled and strived, I searched and I prayed
I did of my Soverign King and only obeyed
Riches and wealth were granted his to share
No more should Papists claim, for it is not there

The marriage I had you, the marriage to keep
Peace in the realm, oh how I weep
Alone in the tower, a bible in hand
The horrid execution, scheduled at your command
Oh my Loving King, how do you beleive
The rumors of the catholic realm, and what they have conceived?

I die a traitor, I once was well loved
Chancellor and Secretary
I rose higher above
Now I am struck, killed like the game
The arrow has hit me, I am now as the lame

A traitors death, so fitting they cry
Several strokes infront of cruel eye
They laught, they mock, they jeer and they spit
My life may have ended, but I will not burn in the pit

Save me lord, king of all kings
Save me from persecution and the devils spike that stings

The king cannot condem my soul
Hell cannot be altered
If I ask for thine forgivness
My faith can not be faltered

They remember my name
In the year of my death
July 1540 Cromwell's last breath

This is Naphae's poem which is just amazing- kudos Nadin!-

This poem is in German, and I think that even though it is in German and most likely the majority of us can not read it, I think having it be in German just makes it all the more beautiful and also it just comes to show that the Cromwellian love is taking over the world, and so if you would like to read it in English you can either message me or Naphae herself.

Nun ist’s soweit, nun sitz ich hier
Und die üblen Zweifel – sie steigen auf in mir!
Ich weis weder ein noch aus…
Wie komm ich aus diesem tödlichen Spiel heraus?

Wie kam es erst soweit?

Ist es die gefürchtete Wirklichkeit?
Die menschlich realen Sitten!
Ha!, ich hab sie im Leben erlitten.

Damals, noch in Freiheit!,
als die Sonne schien in heller Klarheit
stieg ich aus der Asche der Gemeinen
über aller Häupter der vielen Kleinen.

Die große Hoffnung keimte,

als ich meinen sich’ren Platz gefunden meinte.
Mich erreichte die frohe Kunde
nach erlitt’ner, schwerer Schicksalsstunde.

Wie ich all das Ungerechte sehe,
als ich neben dem Mächtigen stehe.
Taten müssen unweigerlich geschehen,
damit das Gute und Rechte nicht vergehen!

Ich setzte mir ein recht hohes Ziel,
welches dem Klerus jedoch nicht gefiel.
Aber die Zeit für Veränderungen war gekommen
und ich hatte mir einen großen Plan vorgenommen.

Es gab doch nur diese schändliche Verehrung
allein zur Reichtumsmehrung!
Die Zerstörung von all dessen
lag in meinem vernünftigen Ermessen!

Alles verlief so, wie ich ersann,
die Auflösung der Klöster begann.
Zwar nicht immer auf die richtige Weise,
denn des Feindes Stimme wurd’ gewiss nie leise.

Alsbald bemerkte ich,
dass es schwerer wurde – für mich.
Doch lag nicht des Königs Hand
schützend über mir, wie ein Band?

Ich dachte mir nichts weiter,
blieb des Königs ständiger Begleiter.
Ist hier mein unverzeihlicher Fehler versteckt,
der mich nun erschreckt?

Wieso erkannte ich die Zeichen nicht?
War mein Blick vernebelt in so klarer Sicht?
Zum Schluss sind es nun doch Intrigen,
die mich nicht mehr lassen siegen!

Meine Zweifel nagen immer mehr,
sie zerstören meine innere Wehr!
Ich fühle, wie sie Stück für Stück zerfällt
Und meinen Mut nicht mehr erhält.

Soll ich etwa jetzt in dieser bitt’ren Stund,
kriechen wie ein Hund?
Diese Lügen meiner Feinde zur Wahrheit machen,
damit sie über mir stehen und lachen?

Nein! Ich werde mich nicht meinen Feinden ergeben!
Werde eher in Deiner Unsterblichkeit leben!
Ist dies der Stolz, der in mir strebt?
Oder die Wut, die in meinem Inneren bebt?

Ich verliere meine Zuversicht
und spüre, wie mein Herz zerbricht!
Gibt es denn für mich keine Hoffnung mehr,
dass ich hier sitzen muss, in diesem grauen Meer?

Wo sind nur meine engsten Vertrauten,
die im Stillen mir alles anvertrauten?
Ich half ihnen immer in ihrer Not.
Ist diese Freundschaft nun auch tot?

Mitten in uns’rem gemeinsamen Staate bin ich im Dunkeln fest versperrt.
Bin ich nun meinen Freunden keine Mühe mehr wert?
Mit ach doch so wenigen Schritten
könnten sie beim König für mich Gnade erbitten.

Gewiss müssten sie meine Ängste kennen
und sie auch beim Namen nennen.

Einst gaben sie mir stillen Rat,
und nun weis ich, dieses Spiel heißt Verrat!

Wieso kommen sie nicht,
geben mir die dringend gebrauchte Zuversicht?
Tief im Rücken sitzt das Messer -
und nichts wird besser.

Schlimmere Qual erlitt ich nie!
Ich falle demutsvoll auf meine Knie’.
In mir wird es kalt und leer
und Dunkelheit ist um mich her.

Oh, Gott!, erbarme Dich mir!
An diesem dunklen Ort, bete ich zu Dir!
Deine Gnade erflehe ich!
All mein Ringen - es ist vergeblich!

by Wicked Rose

I knocked on Heaven's door, but there was no answer
No angel had shown mercy for my wound
When my heart was crying, stigmatized by destiny's claw,
In frozen tears the seal of hatred was immersed.

A martyr or a demon? In this silent night, heavy drops fell
Melted in the lead of despair, smothered in the heath of Hell
A yellow page, torn from the first book ever,
Fades in the forbidden whisper of the initial prayer

In my desperate attempt to find you, I got lost
On the long and bitter road of searching all that I loved most
I kneel with my head facing the ground, but I don't ask for mercy
Hopeless in my salvation I gaze in the shadow of fortune

Qu'est-ce que Cromwell dire?
Put the name here...
Down here
You can either- Comment on the poem- CROMWELL'S PLEA and any of the other poems.
LadyLil The poem made me cry..from the heart, and the soul. Because yes, this beautiful man was killed. Away from our sight, but not out of mind, as long as we remember, he's always alive.
Maggie (Maggie-AnneB.) Commenting on both:
CROMWELL'S PLEA is one of the best poems I've read, in general. It touches you in such a way that, for me at least, you're not crying but your heart is aching. Now Nadin's poem- Zusammenbruch, I've read it in English, and it makes you wonder, "Did he really think this, I mean how could he not?" What really makes me love this poem is that it is proof that many people from around the world all love Cromwell. The Cromwellian spirit still lives on and going strong. Three cheers for both Howardfan and Nadin!
Huzzah, Huzzah, Huzzah!

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