Team Brown - Get to Know Max

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Get to know...

Daily Mail
Max Brown 2

Age 27

Lives London, having grown up in Shropshire.

What you know him from Playing Sarah Parish’s love interest Sam in the BBC show Mistresses. Max has also been seen as Edward Seymour in the most recent series of The Tudors.

You’re a former male model – has this ever made it difficult for people to take you seriously as an actor?
I’m more likely to have trouble because of starting out in Soapland! I did Grange Hill and Crossroads, but it was good training – I never did the drama school thing.

If you could play any part, who would you cast yourself as?
Clarence Worley in True Romance… Is that cheesy? I guess I’m a bit of a romantic.

Really? what’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done?
I once surprised a girl with tickets to see Cirque du Soleil, which went down very well. I’m also a big foodie, so I love to take a woman to a fantastic restaurant, like Hakkasan.

Sounds very sophisticated. are you a bit of a dresser too?
Recently I’ve developed an addiction to checked shirts so I don’t think so! I like to play down my look and I’m not much of a shopper. Though for the YOU photo shoot a personal shopper at Hugo Boss picked out the suits and I thought, ‘I could get used to this!’

  • 'I don't think I've played typical leading men. I've played guys with emotional problems; I like going to the extremes of people's emotions,'
  • 'With Seymour, he's this power-crazed individual, but he knows how to play everybody at court and is just waiting to walk all over them.'
  • 'I love the fact that Soho is only £10 away in a black cab. It makes a world of difference when you're pissed at three in the morning.'
  • 'The public/private school thing is a bone of contention because my dad's a devout socialist. He believes in state investment and public funding, and sending intelligent middle-class kids to state schools. He's quite extreme.'
  • 'I think in the last few years I've come to know what I could do in the future. I think that comes from working with more experienced actors like David [Suchet]. Watching him was a masterclass in acting. He could tell if you were uncomfortable and would say, "I need to go again," and give you a wink.'


Link to interview about the Tudors (also featuring Henry Cavill):

<embed align="left" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" wmode="transparent"/>

Trailer for the film 'Turtistas' in which Max stars as Liam.
(Plot: A group of young backpackers' vacation turns sour when a bus accident leaves them marooned in a remote Brazilian rural area that holds an ominous secret.)

<embed align="left" height="438" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="438" wmode="transparent"/>

playing the role of a doctor who arrives at the scene of a bank robbery where one of the gang has been injured. To get in to the bank the gang make him strip down to his underwear in the street so they know he isn't wired or carrying a weapon. Just wish he'd been wearing something tighter under those pants!!


Get to know Max - The Tudors Wiki 'With a decade of television and a failed marriage already behind him, Max Brown is currently cavorting about in a codpiece opposite Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the HBO drama The Tudors. He plays the dastardly Edward Seymour, the powerhungry elder brother of Henry VIII's third wife Jane. His break came ten years ago on Children's BBC; first he was heart-throb Danny Hartson in the 25th series of Grange Hill, then he graduated to playing ladies' man Kristian Hargreaves in Hollyoaks, and angelic waiter Mark Russell in Crossroads. He also appeared in episodes of Casualty and Doctors.
In 2005 Max married actress Pollyanna Rose after dating for five years. They starred together in
Paradise Lost, a film about an ill-fated backpacking tour of Brazil, co-starring his friend and star of House, Olivia Wilde. Pollyanna is now based in LA but Max would much rather dwell on the benefits of his new nest in Notting Hill which he shares with current girlfriend Annabelle Horsey.
Max grew up in Shrewsbury and attended the local comprehensive. His father is a civil servant and his mother a governor at the family support charity Home-Start. His older sister is a jewellery buyer for Amazon and his little sister is studying to be a director.

But with his latest film Act of God, out later this year, a revenge story in which Max has a vendetta against David Suchet's malevolent surgeon, he hopes to wash away his soap-stud reputation for good...........'

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