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The Best of:
Princess Mary Tudor's Costumes
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Mary's Peacock DressWhen Joan Bergin was asked about Mary Tudor's evolution in her role and costumes in Season 4 she replied:
"Mary (Sarah Bolger) ended up with the dress of the season because there was a short period, between wives, when she was her father’s hostess at parties and she became incredibly confident and close to him before Catherine Parr arrived. The dress appears at Christmas when she hosts for the king and in some of the diary notes from the time that she had worn a peacock dress. Anjelica Huston had given me a peacock scarf years ago and I most reluctantly surrendered it and it was cut up for the dress. For a short period she is radiant. And gradually I had to show that Mary realised that she would never be Queen and that worst of all England would turn Protestant so the curls and the low necklines gave way to more sombre colour and darker things." [dress shown on upper right].
Season One
The Tudors Costumes:Elizabeth and Mary Tudor- The Royal Sisters - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Elizabeth and Mary Tudor- The Royal Sisters - The Tudors Wiki
Mary in France at her betrothal feast to the Dauphin 1.2
The Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors WikiYoung Princess Mary
The crown is pure tack for a start! I like the dress, mostly the sleeves but I'm not entirely sure Mary would have worn this.

Really hate the crown, you can tell it's fake, it looks like something you'd find in a MCDonald's box. The dress is lovely though and is definately something that would have been worn by a child of her status. If I'm not mistaken, I'm positive that that dress is worn by the young Princess Elizabeth in Anne of the Thousand Days

This dress could have been salvaged if it had more of the colour used in the split sleeve. The pattern is not that bad i think it's just used too much. The fitting is nice but can't be appreciated because of the continuing pattern. I adore the split slleves and jewels around the neckline.

I really don't like this dress that much; the pattern isn't nice at all and the material looks so heavy for her. I adore those split sleeves though.
~ TheFreeSpirit-X

I'm not too keen on the pattern on the fabric. I wish they would have continued the colour from the sleeve to give it some variery. I do love the long, split sleeves though.

I'll sound like Joan Rivers, but it looks like she's wearing a Burger King crown. The dress is too big on her and looks like it was made out of mommy's draperies. - karenofbethany

I think that the bodice ought to be a bit longer on this, but I think the little coronet is adorable! If you look closely, it looks like it coordinates with the beading around the neckline.
- Brennalarose

Mary looks like a true princess in this dress, I love the long slashed sleeves. The bodice is a bit short but other than that it's lovely. - LNor19

The sleeves are really the only thing I like about this dress.

The fabric really is too busy for a little girl, it drowns her and the crown looks like it came from a childs dressing up box. Lady History.

It is lovely but in my opinion, they could have chosen brighter colors to go along with the crown.
Marina de Champagne

The Tudors Costumes:Elizabeth and Mary Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors Wiki
At the feast for the arrival of Charles V
The Tudors Costumes:Elizabeth and Mary Tudor- The Royal Sisters - The Tudors Wiki
Mary in promotional shoot for season 1
I don't know what to think of this one, it looks like a med evil gown that you'd find in a child's wardrobe as dressing up. I don't know, don't really like it.

Hmm the colours are a bit bland and it doesn't look like something from the Tudor period

This is extremely cute, the pale gold and silver compliment each other well. The bodice is adorable and i love the blue detailing on it. Topped off with those striped lacey sleeves, she looks a true little princess.

Now I really love this dress. The colour of the bodice combined with the colour of the skirt is really pretty. I also love the headpiece in the second picture and the the one in the last two pictures. ~ TheFreeSpirit-X

I love the combination of the two colours. The bodice is adorable and the colour really suits her. I even love the striped sleeves. She looks beautiful.

This fits her much better but the colors are a little bland for a princess. Especially with her dark coloring. Look how rich the colors are on the lady's clothes in the background. - karenofbethany

Oh isn't she so cute?!?! I think her adorable factor is what makes me like this gown-Anne'sCurls

I like this dress, she looks so cute.

Just how cute is this dress?! The little actress playing Mary looks so pretty in it. But then again Blaithin's so cute she would look adorable in a potatoe sack!


Very cute dress but in my opinion, not regal at all, she looks like a peasant.
Marina de Champagne
The Tudors Costumes:Elizabeth and Mary Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors Wiki
The Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
I agree with ForeverTudor that Mary looks like a mini spanish princess in this outfit, such a Catherine!

This dress makes Mary look like a little spanish princess, and her dress looks like the one her mother wears in the first pictures, mary looks like a minature of her mother.

She looks lovely!
Marina de Champagne
Princess MaryPrincess Mary
Mary the day she's betrothed to Emperor Charles 1.3
I like this one and it's accurate for the period and Mary. The necklace is amazing but could be slightly to heavy for her. I love this outfit!

A very pretty dress and it suits her and looks right for the period

The shade of gold really suits the actress considering her dark complexion. She actually looks like a mini Queen Katherine here. The necklace is beautiful and i adore that cute little hood which accessorises well against a simple patterned fabric.


This is a pretty dress and I love the headpiece, but the necklace is too long. Elizabeth wears this in season 2 I think. Lady History.
The two colours work really well together and I love the subtle pattern on the bodice. I also like how the skirt opens to reveal the underskirt that is the same colour of the bodice.
~ TheFreeSpirit-X

Again the two colours work together beautifully so the gold doesn't look too tacky. And the necklace is so charming. Also love the little patterns on the gold which is barely even noticable. She looks like a royal princess.

Very sweet and pretty, very "bride-like". She looks so coquettish. But like a mini-KOA.

Overall, I'm not fond of this dress. I think the colors seem muddy on her dark coloring. The necklace also hangs a little lower than is attractive.

This is an amazing gown and she looks amazing in it. It is the most regal she ever looked during her time on the show-Anne'sCurls

I love this dress. The two colors go great together and it is very elegant.


Then again, a gown inspired by spanish fashion. The color are lovely and suits Mary well.
Marina de Champagne.
Princess MaryPrincess Mary
Mary saying goodbye to Katherine 1.5
The pattern is okay but I would never have been able to tell it was a necklace! It blends in. She wouldn't have worn this, I hate this outfit!

I like the pattern on the fabric, but the colour would have been better on someone older, she's a little girl and should be in vibrant, pretty colours. The dress itself is pretty shapeless and whilst it elongates her it more or less looks like a potato sack. The cap is hideous and she has no hair or neck. But she's so adorable it doesn't matter.

I really don't like that cap, why hide her pretty hair? The colour, material and pattern is just not attactive. The little ruby broach is the only decent thing about this outfit.
~ TheFreeSpirit-X

I'm not liking the cap but the girl has such a feminine face she can pull it off. The pattern on the dress is unflattering especially as it featured throughout the dress. I also don't like the shape of it, though it does make her seem taller.

Whoops! At first glance at photo on the right, I thought this might be Henry Fitzroy! What's up with the skullcap hiding her pretty hair? Her mother would have wanted to hold her and stroke her hair. I think this is all wrong. - karenofbethany

This isn't the most flattering of looks. The cap is bulky and kind of ugly in my opinion and, I agree with karen, the collar height and cap together look rather butch. It's such a pity to hide all that gorgeous hair!
- Brennalarose

It's a travelling gown...so I guess it's not supposed to be to elaborate, but pendant is beautiful! - LNor19

I like the necklace, but what is up with that hat?

Wasn't particularly keen on this outfit- I think it was the cap that ruined it for me, the overall effect worked well for the scene though as she looked so sad and forlorn.

What the... God mary, you look like a boy!
Marina de Champagne
The Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
[Untitled]The Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
This looks quite nice actually, blue and silver for a princess! I love the head cap too.

The blue silver is absolutely gorgeous and the dress is beautiful. I love this scene and she really shows the dress off because she runs. The headpiece is adorable too. Again she looks like a true princess. I think this is my favourite young Mary outfit.

Now I adore the gown. The colour is very pretty and suits her. I also love her little headpiece.
~ TheFreeSpirit-X

Aww this is adorable. The blue really suits her and the material is gorgeous. She looks like Drew Barrymore in Ever After. Love the detail at the back.

A lovely gown but the necklace does not suit it at all.
Marina de Champagne
Season Two
Mary TudorMary Tudor
[Untitled]Mary Tudor
It's simple and lovely and I love the shawl in the fourth and second pictures. But she wouldn't be dressed like this.

This simply awful! The shawl is too much and I hate the way they did her hair. The necline is way too high. Lady History.

I like the simplicity of the gown though I'm not so sure about the high collar. I do like the wrap and the lace at the collar though. I just love the white headpiece in the second picture and even though I'm not keen on the necklace the pendant brings the tiniest splash of colour.
~ TheFreeSpirit
A very sombre and serious dress. The lace collar brings something to it isn't so plain. Also love the white wrap. The big cross pendant actually works well because the dress isn't complictaed.

Very royal and regal in spite of her questionable circumstances. The gown does well in pressing her rights on her behalf. - karenofbethany

The subtle but beautiful detail of the little lace collar adds so much! - karenofbethany

I love it best with the white wrap around it. Because it is so dark I can hardly tell what the dress looks like but it does seem rather nice. I love how Mary's theme throughout season 2 is black. And whether it is her clothes or just Sarah's performance, she still looks so regal and refuses to appear anything less than a princess.-Anne'sCurls

Subtle yet elegant.

In the 1st picture I like the high collar! I don't know why I do though...
I adore this one! Much better than the last one. I agree with LadyHistory though that she wouldn't dress like this. I do like how she looks prim though.

This makes her look to prim. Plus they're dressing her as a Protestant. I know they're trying to make her look pious, but Catholic's were fond of extravagent clothes and decorations. When Mary was queen and suspected that Elizabeth was plotting against her, it was Elizabeth who
dressed soberly like this pic of Mary, to assure her supporters that she was still a firm Protestant! Historians should see that the costume people did no research into this. Wrong impression. Lady History.

Very simple and uncomplicated, I like this dress a lot. I prefer the slightly lower, square neckline to the high one. The little ruffles coming out of the sleeves adds something to the dress and I've see a clearer picture of her headband/headpiece and I just love it.
~ TheFreeSpirit-X

Beautiful but plain dress. The cuffs make it a bit more exciting and i love the low collar compared to the one above.

Sad princess, sad gown - karenofbethany

Why does this look Puritan?The white ruffles coming out reminds me of Marie Antoinette gentleman.-Anne's Curls

I love the sleeves on this dress and the low collar makes her seem more mature than the higher one.
The Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
From what can be seen this looks gorgeous! So simple but one of my favourite outfits in the whole show. The crown is so regal, I agree, and It's my favourite crown on the whole show.

Can't see much of the dress so I won't comment on it but the crown she is wearing is so regal, love it.
~ TheFreeSpirit-X

Wish we could see what she is wearing better, she looks beautiful though and it is such a sad scene.-Anne'sCurls

From what I can see, this is one of my favourite costumes. The cardigan looks so Tudor.
Season Three
Princess MaryMary
Season Three Promo Shoot and at court
I love this! The bodice and the sleeves I'm 100% on. I think 99 for the underskirt but I'm not that keen on the lepoard print. Nevertheless, It suits her really rather well and in the first picture she looks gorgeous!

Not too keen on the metallic fabric, but I adore that dress and it looks stunning on her. Just give it Tudor bell sleeves and Mary would most definately wear it.

This is gorgeous! The colour is perfect on her. The quilted underskirt is not something that I usually like, but it so works. The pearls on the bodice add detail and I love the caps at the top of the sleeves. Lady History.

She suits colour more than black. The bodice is amazing and I love all the little pearl like beads, the front of the skirt is really nice and I love the little bits of lace at the top of the bodice and coming out of the sleeves. I also love her headpiece and necklace in the second picture.
~ TheFreeSpirit-X

The quilted texture of the skirt is amazing. And the silver doesn't look tacky despite the fact its shiny. I love the pearls on the bodice. She looks truly breathtaking here.

AMAZING! great to see Mary in something other than black!.

I really loved thic costume on Mary it was one of the first times we saw her in something other than black!

This is a lovely outfit for Mary. Fit for a princess.

:drools: I barely notice the dress because Sarah is so stunning in this picture. I can't tell what color the dress is and is mixed with but I do like it. I wonder if it would be better with bell sleeves-AC

I was so thrilled when I first saw the S3 promos and saw Mary wearing something out than black! Sarah looks absolutely stunning. Really think that when Mary appeared in court that I want to see her hair curly like in the promo instead of straight hair as Sarah as BEAUTIFUL hair. But needless to say,this gown is stunning.-QueenEmy191989

This gown is beautiful! I love the fabrics that theys used and the skirt is amazing! An I love all the pearls!

I love this gown!
Marina de Champagne
The Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors Wiki
Sarah Bolger on set -season 3
The Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors Wiki
I'm not overly keen on this one, still she looks good in it and it's pretty accurate.

The only pbjection I have to this dress would be the color of it. It doesnt go well with her fair skin tone.


I don't like it and nor is it accurate for the period. It's too pale on her and the fabric is really unflattering. This colour would have been worn on lower class subjects, not royalty. The sleeves are innacurate and the neckline would have been adorned with jewels.

I quite like this dress. I really love pale blue and it goes well with her pearl necklace.
~ TheFreeSpirit-X

This is way too pale for her skin tone, maybe a mid to royal blue would have been better. I love the headpiece and her hair. Lady History.

The colour isn't that flattering for her complexion. Its a bit boring and bland but her hair makes her look beautiful anyway so she doesn't have to rely on the dress. The bodice isn't that flattering either.

It's a beautiful gown and the fit is fantastic. But she looks almost transparent. A contrasting sleeve, bodice or cape? - karenofbethany

I think this is another dress meant to emphasize the fading from view. Teenaged Mary was largely ignored, so it would make sense. The fit is terrific, but the headpiece doesn't warm me.

I think what turns me off about this gown is it is too much pale on pale. She looks white as snow yet she is wearing this light blue gown. I can't remember what scene this one is used it but I would have thought they could have invented something more beautiful for Mary at this time-Anne'sCurls

I think this gown is lovely. The color is pale, but the dress is just so beautiful that a brighter fabric might seem gaudy. Plus it goes great with her pearls.

It is lovely but the colour is a bit plain, that's sad.
Marina de Champagne
Mary at Christmas
This is my favourite christmas tide gown on the whole series! Although I think it looked much better on Emma Hamilton as Anne Stanhope. I also loved it on Natalie as Anne B, I think it's just as good on Sarah as Mary here.

It's gorgeous, but it isn't Tudor, it's too modern.

I'm not sure about the sash, but I love everything else. The flowers look like a crown. I can't see it very well, but I think there is a bit of silver embroidery on the red material. Lady History.

The colour itself is enough to make me adore this dress. The dress itself is simple but I love it; less is more. I like how the skirt flows around her. And that sash and her necklace finishes off the outfit really nicely. I've never liked those wreaths in the hair much though. I can't decide if I like this dress more on Anne or Mary.
~ TheFreeSpirit-X

Its a lovely Christmas dress i just wish they would have used a darker red and smoother fabric like they did with Jane. I'm not sure about the pattern on the fabric either. The sash is a nice touch though. And maybe they should have pushed the wreath further down like a crown rather than a headband.

I like the color, though it does seem like an awfully plain dress for someone who (I'd assume) is now back in favor. Maybe a different neckline or sleeves?

I really liked this dress,the fabric was quite plain but the fabulous shade of red made up for it, Mary outshone everyone in this scene even Jane although she was beautiful too.
I like this dress, and she is the only woman in this entire scene who looks nice with the flowers in her hair. It is beautiful but it does not outshine what Jane is wearing. I think the reason I might like this dress is how the skirt flows around her.-AC

This dress is pretty and the red suits her coloring very nicely. The sash is a nice addition to the gown and she looks very festive.

Lovely but a bit simple in my opinion.
Marina de Champagne
Mary and EdwardSarah Bolger-Interview
Mary and EdwardThe Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors Wiki
Sarah Bolger-Promotional Interview Season 3,
Mary at the Baptism of Edward with an overcoat
I love the butter yellow, amazing! The headdress is nice too but I don't know what to say about the jacket, I quite like it actually.

The butter yellow on the first pic makes Sarah's hair look a much richer colour. It does look better without the little lace jacket though. The headpiece makes her look like a lady in waiting. Lady History.

This dress is so cute. I love the lace on the bodice and sleeves and her necklace goes well with it. I can't make my mind up about that head dress though.
~ TheFreeSpirit-X

I love the sleeves and the lacing or lace effect on the bodice. But once again the fitting isn't flattering on her.

Well I'll be the first to comment on this dress. The headdress is nice as is the bodice. In the first picture it looks the most beautiful in the others it looks slightly plain but only a little. Is the bodice becoming a "v" shape down her skirt Elizabethan or accurate to this time? JW-Anne'sCurls

This dress is so gorgeous although I think it looks better without the lace bolero. The embroidery is very pretty, kinda looks like the embroidery on my prom dress :). And this dress also goes very nicely with her pearls. I like the headpiece too.

To me the lace jacket makes it look better! I want it!!!

It is a very lovely dress, it suits her and it makes her look quite young.
Marina de Champagne
W/ Cloak at Christmas Mass
The Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
Mary/Sarah Bolger
This is my favourite dress for Mary and in the whole series and the cloak is my favourite too! She looks regal and gorgeous here, I adore it.

The dress is lovely and I can definately see Mary wearing it, though probably not in that colour. The hood is also lovely, I love the detail/embroidery.

I love this cloak. The detail on the hood is beautiful. I like the sleeves and collar on the dress, but i'm nopt keen on the slightly spotty pattern that continues on the dress. She looks very grown up here though.

Firs thing I ever wanted to desperately steal from The Tudors it is so lovely and pink! I also like the material near the rim of the cloak, amazing.

The colour is a little boring, but the design is lovely. I really like the little jacket, the upstanding collar and the detail at the top of the sleeves. The tiara doesn't really go. Lady History.

I think this outfit is gorgeous! Sarah wears it very well. I also love the historical look of the dress, it really looks like a gown out of the 1540's-1550's. - LNor19

I love the cloak, it is so pretty. The dress isn't my favorite, but its ok. I also like the tiara.

he bottom dress ages her anmakes her look lik quite frumpy
The Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors WikiMary & Henry
The Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors WikiMary Tudor
Accurate, Without a shadow of a doubt 1005 Tudor and Mary looks lovely in it. It looks more rich wine red in the second photo which i prefer to it looking brown like in the fourth.

She looks absolutely stunning in this dress. I love the fabric and the color of it. She looks amazing.


This dress is lovely and it really suits her. It's also nice to see something accurate for the period.

A beautiful dress despite that its brown. The bodice is rich in colour and texture and i love the detail around the collar. The light fabric o the skirt also compliments the top half. The long sleeves are amazing. Such a pity she's so sad here though.

This reminds me of the gown that Anne Boleyn wore when she found the cards with the quuen's head cut off. Lady History.

From the back the dress looks good but from the front it is too plain and doesn't fit her well. Oh and I love her hair in the first picture.-AC

I love this. Again,it's wonderful to see Mary wearing something other than black. I love the color of the dress along with the sleeves of it and the detail along the skirt. I wish there was a better view of the headdress she is wearing...it simply makes her beautiful hair better!-QueenEmy191989

Love Love LOVE this dress. I love the subtle patterning in the underskirt and the bodice is very pretty. and as always her hair just makes the outfit! LOVE it. -Tudor_Queen

This dress is so great! The material looks so rich and velvety and the trim is so elegant. Lovely dress.

I love this gown on her. She looks so regal! RAF

The brown dress suits her complexion and her hair! Again, I want it!!

I love it! Regal, rich! Chocolate suits Sarah!
Marina de Champagne
The Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors Wiki
Mary Tudor
She looks lovely! Accurate for The Tudors again, I love it more than the one above and everything is amazing on it! I adore the headdress.

This dress is simply gorgeous and very accurate! The sleeves are great, the fabric is to die for and so is the colour. But there should be more jewels decorating her shoulders.

I like the colour of the dress. And the cut and fitting is really well done. Love the long sleeves but can't tell if there's a band on her arm. And the necklace works so well here with the stone being the same colour as the dress and the pearls going well with the pattern on the collar.

From what I can see, I like!

The dark red does wonders for her skintone. I love the tudor sleeves. The headpiece is a little too large for her. Lady History.

Hands down my favourite Mary dress!

Another great gown and a french hood. She looks so amazing. If only they would put more of the leading ladies in Tudor gowns! RAF
Mary Tudor
Mary Tudor
My favourite night gown on the tudors! I WANT! It is gorgeous and better than some of the actually gowns on the show.

Prettiest nightdress ever. So lacy and pretty, looks comfortable to sleep in. I also love the empire waistline. The loose sleeves are amazing.

This nightgown is so beautiful. I love how the sleeves are so floaty and how gauzy and light this looks.

This might be the best nightgown to ever appear on this show.-Anne'sCurls

I LOVE the sleeves! Lady History.

The sleeves are so nice and I like how it's loose but is tight just at the end. The empire waistline looks so nice and... I want it!!!
The Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors WikiMary
The Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
I adore it although it's simple. I'm not sure whether Mary would have worn this actually, I could understand when she was seeing Prince Edward but I don't know about the other times. Still, I adore it! It really suits Sarah.

It's too simply. Mary, due to her status, would have worn something more elaborate.

A better example of how a pious and sober dress can look amazing. The cut is really amazing and i love her headpiece.

Mary looks like the true, deavout and beautiful princess she is here. Even though it's a rather plain black gown I think the headdress works with it and definitely fits the scene and the unfortunate situation she's in with her father... -Tudor_Queen

Wow what an amazing dress! I love her headdress and the fit is just amazing!

This gown is so elegant and I actually like the overcoat she wears. It really emphasized her piety and was so perfect for the scenes she wore it in.

Beautiful and very pious. It still portrays how sad Mary is during this time. I think it looks the best in the scene where that idiot Bryan comes to see her. -AC
The Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Mary and Elizabeth Tudor -The Royal Sisters - The Tudors Wiki I can't see much of it but it looks immense of what I can see. I think it's beautiful!

The cloak is so nice. I think a richer, darker red would look nice. She would suit the little red riding hood look.

This cloak is so pretty, I love the material they used, but a darker red would have been nicer.

I agree with MademoiselleBoleyn.
The Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
Mary- dressMary-dress
Her hair is gorgeous, as always, but I don't think Mary would have worn anything of this sort.

AWFUL! This way too heavy for her. The hat needs to be shredded! If the waistcoat was gone, the dress MIGHT be ok. Love her hair. Lady History.

She looks a bit lumpy in this. I hate the waistcoat. There are too many buttons on the dress and the collar is too high. The fabric and colour of the skirt doesn't match or compliment the top either. The skirt looks like it was made from curtains. The hat would have gone better with a dress that wasn't so fussy.

This dress looks like the one in season 1 episode 10 when Charles Brandon says to Anthony Knivert that he is going to marry his ward, it looks like the dress that she wore. I don't mind this dress but i think this style looks much better on Rebekka Wainwright. (Sorry About Spelling) -emmqueenofwales

This outfit is ok, but I really think they should have left the gold patterned waitcoat thingy off.

OK this isn't Tudor at all. It looks more Victorian or Edwardian than Tudor. RAF

Ok this is just butt ugly and has too much going on. The only attractive thing is Mary's hair. -Anne'sCurls

I agree with Lady History but I like the waistcoat.

I do not like it, she looks like nothing.
Marina de Champagne
The Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
Sarah Bolger as Princess Mary Tudor
I adore this! Sarah looks enchanting and the necklace and tiara both really complete the look! She looks so regal and proud of her status here.

I really hate that fabric, it's so unflattering. It looks gorgeous on her though, they just needed to use a different fabric, change the sleeves to bell sleeves and decorate her neckline.

This seems to be a bronze version of the silver/green dress at the beginning of season 3. Lady History.

A beautiful dress. The metallic colour suits her though sometimes it actually does look like she's wearing a meatl suit of armour. But the colour is beautifu on her. The detail on the bodice is stunning and the pattern on the fabric is understated and so suits the boldness of the outfit.

This dress is pretty and the color suits Sarah's coloring, but the bodice looks painfully tight in picture 2.

This is probably my favorite out of the dresses we see her in. Her hair looks amazing curled like that. She looks like a true princess
Princess Mary as Played by Sarah BolgerThe Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
Mary Tudor
The bodice isn't accurate but I like the rest of it. Especially the sleeves! I think this Peppermint shade is lovely on her, but not her best look.

That colour really doesn't suit her and I doubt it would have been used. The V-shaped bodice is innacurate and her neckline should be decorated. I like the sleeves though, but I'm not sure if they should be belled or not

I'm not keen on the big sleeves. The colour doesn't suit her either really because of her paleness. The pattern on the bodice is very repititive througout the series. Its a very plain dress that doesn't do much for her.

I have to agreefull heartedly with amore_angel, the dress does nothing for her. With the plain headpiece, God-awful hair, door knocker earrings and puffed sleeves it ages her. She looks so much older and the colour washes her out completely. I'd wish they'd dress her in more vibrant and youthful dresses. She's 20 not 40. -Lady.In.Red

I love the color of this dress, the texture of the material and from what I can see in the pictures, I like it. Although I do agree that the headpiece is hideous.

Wow. I guess I am in the minority here. This has to be one of my favorite dresses from the entire series. The color is beautiful and the dress really suites her body type. The hat and the earings are ick, but the dress wonderfully constructed.

The headpiece is so bad but I like the rest. I agree with booklvr44.

I like it. Could have been better though.
Marina de Champagne
The Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors WikiThe Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
The Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
This suits her wonderfully well, I adore it! Sarah looks exquisite in this. She is beautiful, as always and her hair is lovely.

a brilliant contrast between Marys traditional black gowns this one suits her well!

This cape is so beautiful, it looks so plush and soft. The gown is also very pretty.

I love this outfit, the cape is just amazing. Sarah looks so beautiful here

My favourite part is the white fur around her black cloak. The white fur and loose hair added with all the blackness makes her look strangely naive while being wise beyond her years. -Lady Durham
Season Four
Sarah Bolger as Mary TudorSarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
mary tudorThe Tudors Costumes:Princess Mary - The Tudors Wiki
I think it looked much better on Natalie as Anne B but I have to say I adore it on Sarah too! Mary looks quite proud and the necklace is lovely. I don't know about the tiara though...

This really doesn't suit Sarah, it looks much better on Natalie and I can see Anne wearing it more than I can see Mary wearing it. I'm not too fond of the floral/flowery fabric.

I quite like this gown. I like the sleeves, and the colours go well together. Sarah really suits this gown. I really can't make my mind up about the headdress though.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

This suits Sarah more than Natalie. Metalic colours suit Sarah. It fits as though it was made just for her. The tiara is exactly the right size. Lady History.

This so far is my favourite ensemble for Mary; nice to finally see her in bright, vibrant colours. The autumnal palette really suits Sarah Bolger's pale complexion and dark hair. The golden details wonderfully complement the burnt orange and scarlett reds of the dress. Oh and I'm in love with the intricate gold headpiece! -Lady.In.Red

I love this dress, she looks very regal in it and that gold tiara is gorgeous! I must admit that I did like this dress better on Natalie Dormer though.

I think this dress is just beautiful, the colous compliment each other so well and the jewlery is just right.

This is a very unattractive dress, the fabric looks like a couch you would see in an elderly ladies home. Did Anne wear this dress in ep. 9 of Season 2? It didn't look good on her either, but she had the cloak to off set it. The sleeves are nice as is the gold, it is just the printed the material that looks bad. -AC

I love this gown, it is lovely on her.
Marina de Champagne
Mary TudorSarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
Worn When Meeting Queen Katherine Howard for the first time - S4E1
Sarah Bolger as Mary TudorSarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
She looks beautiful, as always! The headdress is gorgeous on her and looks perfect and the gown is perfect and I adore the sleeves and the necklace is good.

Again another of my favourites.. She looks very regal and something about it just suits her very well.


Simply amazing!! This is probably her best gown. Everything about it is just perfect and every inch of it is Tudor. It's such a shame the designer didn't make more costumes like these.

I love this gown, it's looks like a genuine Tudor gown. Those long bell sleeves are beautiful and the squared neckline decorated with those pearls is so lovely. And the hood makes it look even more authentic. I wish they used more gowns like this in the show.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

I LOVE this Gown. She looks so Queenly in this gown. I love the hood. YOU GO GIRL! RAF

This dress and her expression make her look regal. The neckline is very Tudor and I love all the jewelery. Maybe if the dress was a deep red rather than brown. Lady History.

See, Joan Bergin? Historically accurate doesn't need to be strange or ugly. I adore the fabric, the regal sleeves and gorgeous billaments around her neck. Twice the Queen Kitty was in this scene as far as dress and demeanor goes.-LadyDurham

By far one of my favourite Mary's gowns, very regal, sober and elegant.
Marina de Champagne
Mary TudorMary Tudor
Mary TudorMary Tudor
This is simple perfection! She looks lovely in it and better than the one below. I think she suits the french hood and the jewellery goes well with the first costume.

Another perfect gown!!

This dress is so lovely and Sarah looks every inch a Princess in it. I just love the suwared neckline and the detail around it. Those sleeves, god I'm in love with those sleeves. I really love that subtle pattern on the underskirt. The hood and necklace finish this outfit off beautifully.
- TheFreeSpirit

I promised myself I would not comment on the costumes until I saw them in action, and I have stuck to that promise. I can't believe no one has commented on this gown yet? It is one of the most beautiful this season. I have a problem with details so I can't tell if the gown is black or grey. Either way I love the cut and style and the use of the bell sleeves. I also like the square line cut around her chest and the necklace is just the cherry on top of a perfect sundae. -Anne'sCurls

This is wonderful! Regal, mature and extremely Tudor. I adore the long sleeves and I want that necklace. Lady History.

Mary is really starting to mature in her style. This highlights her fine complexion well and the sleeves are very flattering. The cute french hood used to belong to KoA, you know? Clever touch.

Does anyone else notice that Mary's ladies also wear the same french hoods as KOA's ladies in season one?
Mary TudorMary
Sarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
I would say the jacket and hat goes really well with this actually but I like it on it's own and it looks gorgeous.

I prefer the gown on it's own [see above] but she looks so regal with that hat and overcoat.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet, but isn't this the same gown as from above, only with an overcoat?

Mary's trend his season: sober, but sharp. Wicked hat, btw. Solid A (Canadian Grading System).- LadyDurham
Mary's Peacock DressMary
Princess Mary's dressPeacock Gown
Peacock Gown
One of the best dresses on the series! I quite like the metallic fabric, my favourite part is probably the under skirt or maybe the bodice. I think Sarah suits this well and in the opening credits she is gorgeous!

The detail and colour are both gorgeous, but the fabric is horrible! It's so unflattering and the sleeves need to be changed to bell sleeves and her neckline needs to be decorated.

It's a lovely dress. I really love the bodice, and the detail around the end of the sleeves. I'm not entirely keen on the colours, but the colours look good in the lighting in the second picture.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

I don't know what else to say but i love it this dress gives her a fresh look and i love the peacock detail wresltgal

It really is a lovely dress. However, it seems like you have to shine a light on it to see it completely . In the picture on the top left, you can hardly tell that it is anything other than a multicolor brown dress. Booklvr44

I'm not sure at all about this dress. With the light shining on it the material looks nasty. There's been a big fuss made out of this dress, but I can't see why. Lady History.

Oh i just loved this dress on Sarah! The colours the fit and the design it was just beautiful, I can really see why the costume designer loved it so much

Ths is probably the most overrated gown of this series. There is nothing wrong with the dress, it is very well made and unique, but the costume makers made such a big deal of this dress and how it was the dress of the season, it really isnt anything to make such a fuss about. I do like the design and the colors, and it looks great on Sarah, it just needs to be said that it isnt worth the hype. -AnnesCurls

The only true style misstep so far this season. The colour is just horrid and the skirt size is not flattering on poor Sarah's slender frame: Grade: C- LadyDurham.

I too can't see what all the hype was about this gown. Perhaps it is the idea of emulating Mary wearing a peacock gown she was reported to wear but I think that what historians and reports meant by peacock gown was a gown made of vibrate colors found on male peacock feathers as opposed to a pattern. The colors aren't even flattering enough to be on a widly admired peacock gown.
Mary Tudor as played by Sarah BolgerMary Tudor as played by Sarah BolgerPrincess Mary I have fallen for this! One of her best gowns! The rose pattern is perfect for her and the crown and her hair and the jewellry, the first picture is the best! I adore it!

I'm completely in love with the rose pattern, I really like the colours- the dark grey and light grey together.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

I really like this gown. It fits well and makes her look very mature.

Mary completely outshone Katherine Howard in this scene, and a large part of it had to do with this dress. Are those roses on her dress? Really nice pattern. Booklvr44

At first glance, I thought this material looked a bit too modern. But now I love it! I have no complaints whatsoever. Perfect! Lady History.

The gorgeous fabric and finishings of the bodice save this look. Liking the headpiece, but the cut of the bodice is much too tight. Grade: B+ LadyDurham.

I really do like the patteren and fit of this gown. The neckline, I don't like because I don't feel it is fitting for the period, but this gown just says Mary I to me.

I agree with Lady History and Emer Morrisey. It looks really nice and... I want it!!!
Princess Mary Tudor as played by Sarah BolgerMary Tudor as played by Sarah Bolger
Sarah Bolger as Mary TudorMary
This isn't really the best of riding clothes but it suits Sarah. My favourite part has to be the gown though.

I just watched the 1993 version of The Three Musketeers and this gown is worn by the<a class="external" href="http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0006271/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Countess D'Winter</a>the first time we see her. Just thought i'd share.

I really cannot stand that overcoat, it looks like something her father should be wearing, not her. I like the colour of the dress, but other than that I'm not completely taken by it- I like it, but there's something about it that I can't quite place. I really love the hat and the pattern on it.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

I absolutely love this gown. Mary looks every bit a regal princess in the scenes she wears it it.

The only thing I like about this ensemble is the hat. Gorgeous, but it looks too Edwardian to be in here. Lady History.

She looks gorgeous here, the colors really compliment her complexion. Though some say the hat is ahead of the time, I still can't help but to like it and think she wears it well. Up close it looks like she is wearing a light blue, but far away it looks like it is purlple, which Mary being a PRINCESS should be allowed to wear. I don't know how I feel about the overcoat/jacket, there is something off about it for me, perhaps it is the color or just the way it is made. This has nothing to do with the clothes, but I definitely do not like to see Princess Mary riding astride a horse. -Anne'sCurls

Beautifully tailored look. Great colours. Solid riding gear. A- LadyDurham

i wish we could see the dress on its own, cause it looks lovely.

I just love this gown, in my opinion, Mary appears as a female version of Henry, i sows well that she is not only a " spanish breed bastard", but a true Tudor.
Marina de Champagne
mary costume season 4mary costume season 4
mary costume season 4
I'm not too fond on the overcoat or the tiara in that case but the dress itself is lovely! I adore it. She looks proud and regal and amazing!

I really can't stand the overcoat or headdress in the first picture, but other than that I'm completely in love with this gown, it's so Tudor; the square neckline, the decoration on it, and don't get me started on those long bell sleeves. The hood in the last pictures really compliment it and make it look even more like a traditional Tudor gown.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

OMG! I LOVE this burnt orange colour on Sarah. So Tudor. The topaz necklace is gorgeous! The only thing that I have to grumble about is the size of the earings, a little smaller and it would be perfect. I want this outfit! Lady History.

This dress is amazing on Sarah! Her necklace compliments it so well the earings are nice too - although I would have preffered them to be a little smaller.


At the church or whatever the heck that building is, Mary defnitely outshines Catherine. The colors look like a rust orange/red with gold triming and it is very beautiful. I like the necklace she wears in the later scene when Chapuys comes to see her, but I really am not understanding the christmas lights headdress she wears in the earlier scene with the court waiting for the King of Scotland.-Anne'sCurls

Sarah rocks russet and velvet. I can't get enough tof the rich undersleeve and I adore the almost antique-like gold fringe around the neck and sleeves.
Is there another actress on this show that wears a french hood like Sarah Bolger? -Lady Durahm
Mary TudorSarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
Sarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
I think this looks more Elizabethan! Perhaps it's because Mary calls Elizabeth 'Queen Elizabeth'. But I think Sarah is lovely and I adore the gown!

I'd like it if it wasn't for that incredibly high neckline and the lace collar thing. The colours are very nice though.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

Um...yeah, I don't get it. Is she chilling in this robe like ensemble with her hair up and a tiara? This is a very unflattering robe/dressing gown or whatever it is supposed to be. -AC

I agree with AC: did she just get out of bed or is she getting ready for a time travel trip to the Elizabehtan times? Otherwise, a regal, nice looking enough look.
I know they're trying to make Mary less youthful, but I'm sad that alot of her clothes this season aren't as flattering as the last one's. They're either loose and a little dowdy like this one or boa-constricting like the chapel dress.- LadyDurham

What on earth is going on with this?! Not only she looks ridiculous, it is not falttering her at all and it is completely Elizabethan! Poor Mary, what have we done to you?
Marina de Champagne
Sarah Bolger as Mary TudorSarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
Sarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
She may be sick but she is still cute! I'm not overly keen on it though but it's alright, I think I've seen worse.

I really don't have that much of an opinion of this. I don't like how high up the shift under it is, and I'm not liking the pattern on the robe.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

Not overly keen on this ensemble, the colours totally wash her out although seen as she was supposed to be sick perhaps that was the intention?

I know the look is meant to be washed out and dry because she was sick, but Mary still manages to look pretty cute. The pretty flowers and charming collar symbolize the remnants of an true innocent in an ill, aging body.-LdayDurham
Red Dress - Season 4Red Dress - Season 4
Sarah Bolger as Mary TudorSarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
Sarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
One of the best dresses in the series! Mary looks so regal in it and the crown isn't really tacky. The first two images are so detailed, I adore this one! I agree this would make a fine christmas tide gown for Mary though! Sarah suits this really rather well.

I think this should have been her Christmas dress instead of the peacock gown. It would have kept with the trend of wearing reddish during Christmas. Plus the dress looks to be made of velvet and velvet = Christmas. I love the details and the necklace. Despite the fact that Mary turns into a villain in this scene, she looks beautiful while doing it. - Anne'sCurls

Mary wears this crown much better than Katherine did. Mary wears this crown just as regally as KOA did n season one where she appeared at the feast celebrating the birth of Henry Fitzroy.
I love the detail of the bodice and the sleeves. Although I do agree that it should have been used as something for her to wear for Christmas. I feel as season 4 progress we saw her rise into the woman she will become.
Sarah Bolger as Mary TudorSarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
Sarah Bolger as Mary TudorSarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
I adore this one! The tiara is lovely and goes with her hair and the necklace suits the whole outfit. Everything about this i really admire!

IS it me, or does this dress look like the dress she wore when dancing with Phillip. Love the Tiara. ForeverTudor.
Sarah Bolger as Mary TudorSarah Bolger as Mary Tudor
Mary saying goodbye
This is gorgeous, I adore it! She looks so regal. Is that lepoard print on the skirt though?

This gown looks like it is designed differently than previous gowns worn by any female. The bodice and skirt connection looks unique to me. Hopefully more pictures will pop up so we can see more details, perhaps there are purple flowers imprinted on the skirt but it is too hard to tell. But I really am in love with the bodice. - Anne'sCurls

At first I believed this gown was the same one Mary wore in season three when she returned to court. I think it is the over-skirt, it seems to be the exact same pattern as the one from season three. This gown to me just seems to be a remodeled version of the one in season three.
Mary Tudor
First one to comment, I don't have much of an opinion on this actually. I don't know what to think. I quite like the headpeice though, so nice.