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Anne of Cleves Costumes:
Season Three
(Jewels on Jewellery Page)
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*Keep pics to 3 or 4 per costume*
*In order of appearance*
Anne of Cleves - Meeting the English Ambassodors dress
Episodes Worn in (This Season): 6
Event that took place when first worn: Anne's sister Amelia and Anne are presented to the English ambassadors

It looks a bit kimono gown here. The dark colour works well with the red lining and colour nust line however.
I like this dress, espescially the red lining on the sleeves. The veil is creepy though.
I love the colours, and the under sleeves. ForeverTudor. Very plain. Anne of Cleves' taste in this show is pretty bad.
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Episodes Worn in (This Season):
Other Information: This dress was chosen to be worn in Anne's promo shoot, we also see Joss Stone wear the dress in a behind the scenes featurette on the DVD.
Event that took place when first worn:
We never see her wear the dress in the season but do get a glimpse of it when Henry sees her portrait for the first time.
The colour of the bodice and sleeves is deliciously beautiful and rich. I love the shape og the sleeves and the rope effect around the collar. I'm not too keen on the pattern of the bodice though, it really does look lik elephants. And from what we can see of the skirt it doesn't look like its going to match the top. They should have continued the green or purple effect.

I love the green color of the sleeves and her parure (neckpiece?).

My gawd, she looks breathtaking. I can guess that the headdress is one of the reasons she was such an outcast at court, but it really works for her in this picture. I also love the jewels on her chest, but I don't think it would be called a necklace. The sleeves are gorgeous as well; and I adore the color scheme. I am really looking forward to seeing more of this outfit. But it looks like there is an elephant or dolphin drawn on the purple?-Anne'sCurls

As long as I don't focus on the elephants, I like it!
I adore the sleeves and bodice.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

The headpiece is so distracting. It might actually be a decent dress but i can't decide with that thing on her head. I love the lacy sleeves and the bodice is nice but the skirt looks like its going to clash with the rest of the outfit. I love the jewels going across her chest though. I don't know how she does it but Joss still looks amazing.

i think the emarald thing acros her chest, would look lovely as a necklace. FoeverTudor.
Am i the only one to notice that the green jeweled band across her chest was worn by Mary Boleyn in season 2 while her sister was presented to the French King in her hair?

@Charlie-Beth-Hayden I checked after I read this comment and no it's not the one Mary wore was had a diff design see <a class="external" href="http://disparue.org/gallery/tudors2/202/images/tudors202_0751.jpg" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">here</a> the gold bits are more bigger and slightly more rounder :-)

I agree with Charlie-Beth-Hayden that that band looks a lot like Mary's hairpiece, Only Mary's hairpiece was much prettier.

Anne of C;eves - Meeting Charles Brandon Cloak
Episodes Worn in (This Season): 7
Other Information: Joss was spotted on set reading a newspaper with this costumes cloak on.
Event that took place when first worn:
Anne of Cleves is presented to Charles Brandon.

Obviously a hideous dress. Dark, drab and not figure flattering. You can't see any of her curves at all, but she looks like she's fat and got a big bum. The veil is nice though, good widow's veil.
Wow, she actually looks kinda scary here! Haha

Anne of Cleves - playing cards dress
Episodes Worn in (This Season):
Other Information: This dress was also re-used on Joely Richardson as Catherine Parr in Season 4
Event that took place when first worn:
Charles Brandon teaches Anne how to play cards.
I like the light purple color but it kinda looks like Bella Swans comforter from the Twilight movie. -KrissyAdams_26
LOL! I thought the same thing when I saw the dress - It's BELLA SWAN'S comforter!
Lol, you guys are right!
I think this is the same dress that Catherine Parr is wearing in episode 6 when we see her for the first time...What do you think??

Anne of Cleves - Meeting Henry Dress
Episodes Worn in (This Season):
Event that took place when first worn:
Anne of Cleves meets Henry.
The mismatch of fabric is really unflattering. There's too much going on in the bodice alone and it classes with the skirt which looks like patchwork to me. I also hate the rope necklace around her neck which makes her look even more chunky with that awful dress.

Theres just too much going on at once, and I really don't like that headdress.
- TheFreeSpirit-X
I like the material they used for the skirt and I like the sleeves and the embroidery on the bodice, but I don't like the strings looped acrossed her stomach and I don't like the necklace thing.
As much as people don't like the different elements to this gown, it is a perfect example of German fashion for this time period. Different countries had their own fashion. German ladies did dress this way. Though I forget if Anne was German.
Not feeling that necklace at all.

Not enough to give a real opinion but I will applaud the necklace/rope around her neck-Anne'sCurls

It looks a bit of a mess but maybe i'll change my mind when i see it properly

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Anne Of Cleves Red Gown close up
Episodes Worn in (This Season): 7
Event that took place when first worn:
Anne of Cleves meets Henry's daughters and is presented to his court.
I love the bodice, and I quite like the skirt. Not so sure about the rope necklace, and the only thing I like about the headdress is the embroidery.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

I urge those who don't like the type of jewlery Anne wears this season to look up German fashion in Tudor times before commenting on her outfits. Over all I like how her gowns seem to be accurate to fashion of the time.
Like the upper part. The fitting of the bodice is complimentary, the two colours go well together and the embroidery is gorgeous. The skirt looks like a five year old has just sprinkled glitter over a piece of fabric though. The headpiece wouldn't even look too bad if it wasn't for them ridiculous braided things hanging down.

The headpiece is..odd..
I imagine it was a fashion staple for her.
Not liking the headpiece but i think that's meant to be the point. And in a weird way it suits her. The bodice is gorgeous but the skirt is a mess. And whats up with all the ropey bits on Anne's outfits?
I think this dress is very pretty and I love the flower pattern used on the skirt. Again with the necklace though!

i love this dress from the waist up, and the pattern on the skirt, in the close up, but i dunno from far away it looks far to shiny, and most people have said thid but i'm not loving the rope necklace.FoverTudor.
Anne of Cleves - Wedding Dress
Episodes Worn in (This Season): 7
Event that took place when first worn: Anne marries Henry.
I really like the colour and bodice. Not so sure about te rope around her neck or the headdress, but it's certainly original.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

I like the orignality of the colour silver. The bodice is beautiful but im not too sure about the striped skirt, think it would have looked better all one colour. But AOC wasn't known for her fashion sense was she. The headpiece is the single best headpiece in the whole of the programme.


The color is beautiful.

I adore the bodice of this dress. Silver is my favorite color so of course I am going to love this. The ropes around the neck and especially the headdress are stunning. I can't wait to see more-Anne'sCurls

I'm not sure about the braid around the neck, but the headdress is awesome!
I actually really like this dress, especially the bodice. The headpiece is really cool and I like how the stripes on the skirt are very unusual. I don't like the ropey thing around her neck though.

This gown is very accurate for the time and custom for German fashion. The "ropes" are a part of German fashion, jewelry to be in fact. If you would look at portats of German ladies from that time you would see that.

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Episodes Worn in (This Season): 7 & 8
Event that took place when first worn: Cromwell visits Anne and Anne complains about Henry's performance.
I'm not too keen on the colour but once again it actually suits her. The two predominant colours/materials go perfectly. I'm loving the pattern on the collar. I love the cut of the gown, and the collar makes it look like a coat dress which is amazing. She's showing off the right amount of cleavage and the necklace draws even more attention the her bust.
This dress is probably my second favorite of AOC. The rich brown color really suites her and it goes very nicely with the gold collar and bodice.
The two colours of brown and yellow compliment each other well. I love the collar and the bodice pattern seems quite charming too. Its pretty despite its plainess.

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Episodes Worn in (This Season):
Event that took place when first worn: Mary visits Anne and Anne announces Duke Phillip is coming.
Another gorgeous dress. The material and colour really does her justice. I'm a bit put off by the pattern on the bodice which carries on to the sleeves but it looks really good on her. I also like the strap across her chest. So random and yet so perfect.

Plain gown, but the headpiece is grand.
The material looks great on her, especially with the jewelled tiara. The colour suits her well. I just think it would have looked better without the random piece of material over her chest but perhaps its to make her look more modest. Joss, you are rocking this look.
Oh this is beautiful, I adore purple so of course I am in love. It looks like AoC is bringing her own style into the show with randam pieced of jewels or cloth across her chest. Good way to make sure a guy looks at your cleavage.-Anne'sCurls I'm not so sure about the piece of cloth across the chest but it's very AOC. I really like the colour of the dress. Her headpiece is amazing.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

This dress is also very pretty and I love the rich color of the fabric.

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Episodes Worn in (This Season): 8
Event that took place when first worn: Phillip visits Anne in her apartments.
The headpiece is very unflattering especially with the necklace, it makes her head and neck look out of proportion with her body. The rich wine red does not go well with the golden yellow at all. The jacket seems nice but should have been put with something better. I hate the patchwork skirt at the back.
This dress is ok, but I think that the patchwork skirt should either have gone all the way around or not have been there at all.

Anne of Cleves - Seperation Dress
Episodes Worn in (This Season): 8
Event that took place when first worn: Anne has dinner with Henry and he tells her he is sending her away.
Now I really like this dress. I like the shade of yellow and the embroidery is just amazing, I also love the sleeves and how they split to reveal the thin sleeves underneath, and I love how the yellow skirt splits to reveal that lovely embroidered underskirt. Her necklace and headpiece go really well together and she looks truly amazing.
- TheFreeSpirit-X

This is my favorite AOC dress! It is so beautiful and I love the embroidery! I also really like her tiara. She looks very regal here.

Finally she has a nice dress! The pale yellow and gold looks lovely on her. The embroidery on the bodice is the best i've seen for a long time. I also like the sleeves and how they split but reveal another thinner sleeve beneath. She finally looks like a Queen.
The colour is gorgeous and suits her so well. The sleeve cover thing might be a little OTT but it still works. The material is to die for her and the necklace and head piece match so well with the dress. This is my fave Anne dress
This is a pretty dress in a lovely shade of yellow.This was used in Shakespeare in Love. Joss wears it well, but Gweneth wore it better. Lady History

Beautiful gown! The color looks great on her.
Anne of Cleves - Cross Stiching cloak
Episodes Worn in (This Season):
Event that took place when first worn: Anne sits by herself cross-stiching.
I hate the hairpiece, looks like something Padme Amidala would wear in Star Wars. The material of the gown looks comfy to wear but not that appealing to the eye, especially the golden collar.
I like the material, can't really say anything else from the picture.