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King Henry VIII's Costumes

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When Joan Bergin, Costume Designer was asked :"How did you go about designing the look of Henry’s costumes season 2?"
She said : "We’ve been thinking about Henry as someone whose feeling for fashion influenced a whole generation - like Bowie or Madonna. He was 6′3″ when most men were almost a foot shorter. Henry had enormous charisma and was physically striking. I’m trying to communicate all that. I’ve also imagined that in the back of his mind, Henry wants to go to war. There are little military touches which harden his overall look: small elements of worked leather, heavy moleskin, garments which are reminiscent of chain mail. No matter how well the characters around him look, when the King walks in,
I want everyone to go ‘Wow!’"

"What we’ve produced this year is quite beautiful: a lot of Jonathan Rhys Meyers’ clothes for Henry are just museum pieces in their detail and execution. "

"There’s an incredible level of detail in all the clothes: the stitching, the lining, the buttons, the button holes and the fabric all belong to wearable clothes made with extraordinary precision. Some of these pieces have already been requested by museums."
Excerpted from The Telegraph March 2011 by Hilary Alexander:

Perhaps the strongest contemporary influence came from modern-day rock stars, as Bergin admits. This was particularly valuable when it came to dressing her favourite, Jonathan Rhys Meyers. "One of the things about Jonathan is that he has a presence, like Bono or one of the Rolling Stones, walking into a room. This was the effect I wanted to recapture with Henry, as a rock star of his time, with costumes that would convey that charisma. Remember that Henry was 6ft 3in at a time when most men were 5ft 7in or 5ft 8in, and there was not an ounce of fat on him in his early days."
Bergin shows me a museum-quality coat in black velvet and leather - hand-embroidered, studded and embellished with intricate silver metal tassels - that was made-to-measure for Rhys Meyers. In Tudor times, this sort of coat would have been worn over what were called "slops" - knee-length trousers or breeches. It is exquisitely made in every respect, both inside and out. The hammered detail on the leather, Bergin reveals, was achieved by hand-beating it on the iron staircase outside her design studios in Ireland.

Bergin had a total budget of about £2.5 million for four series and estimates she created more than 2,000 costumes.
"Yes, it was a healthy budget, but not 'wow'. We did re-use and re-dye a lot of stuff and we rented from all over the world. We coined the term 'Tudorise' to describe how we could tweak something to fit the scene, by adding braiding, or beads." She scoured antique fairs and auctions for rare finds. ...

As the series progressed, Bergin found herself becoming ever more fascinated by the details of the period. "I would read up on all the main characters. I'm a great believer in research, especially the social history. So as Henry ransacked more and more churches and monasteries, I imagined him spending more on his own wardrobe. So his clothes became more and more opulent.

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King Henry
King henryKing Henry

Henry's costume
Henry's costume
Henry's costume
I love the red sleeveless top on this outfit. He's so beautiful! Lady_Amber
Henry VIIIHenry VIII
Episode 1:3
I don't like those balloon shorts! The mens fashions back then were kind of feminine...FMFJRMGRL
Henry VIIIHenry VIII
Episode 1:3
fem necklace & curtains - FMFJRMGRL

It's not a "fem necklace" at all, it's a collar. If you look at paintings of these no women wore them, it's very masculine. As for "curtains" the textile patterns of the period where what we associate today with uphostry, go to any SCA faire and you will see what I mean, lots of people wearing matterial that belongs on my great aunt's love seat! Although most of the patterns used in the series aren't accurate for the 16th century. Think millefleur patterns instead. - Boudica
Henry VIII
Comments: way fem in this pattern

Actually, no, it's quite bold.

This is one of my fav. Henry costumes. The collar is so detailed (something the real Henry would have probably liked, especially since it is pearls).
Henry VIIIHenry VIII

I like this one, honestly it doesn't matter what he's wearing to me he always looks fabulous!
Henry VIIIHenry VIII
episode 1.8
Comments: this one is nice
Henry VIIIHenry VIII
Comments: not bad..I like when he is in all black leather!FMFJRMGRL
Henry VIIIHenry VIII
Henry VIII
Comments:so is this one
HRM=JRMThe Tudors Costumes : Henry VIII - The Tudors Wiki
The Tudors Costumes : Henry VIII - The Tudors Wiki
Promotional shoot for season 1
Comments: not bad..I like when he is in all black leather!FMFJRMGRL

I quite like this one, it's VERY bad boy!

Mm-hm! Not bad! One of my favorite Henry outfits mainly because the leather is too perfect...my friends and I always say that guys look better[and sexier] in leather and I say this is another example of that!-QueenEmy191989

I love this outfit its a bit on the naughty side! Lady_Amber
Henry VIIIHenry gold
I think the fabric is supposed to mimic cloth of gold, but it doesn't look like it's 100%, if any of it actually is, it's still a nice costume though. - Boudica

I like the way the red undershirt stands out first then it draws you to the gold/yellow jacket.-Neta07

I really think this is my all time fave. The yellow looks fantastic with the bit of red coming through. Lady_Amber

Henry's riding habit
Henry This is my favorite costume by far for season one for Henry. It has royalty written all over it. This outfit doesn't just quietly say king, it shouts if from the roof top. The color combintation is stunningly organized and intentioned to match, I love it!
