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Latest revision as of 16:08, 13 November 2020

Humorous Captions Page 16
*8 captions per photo
(there will be a poll when we have 8)

More & Chapuys
Photo # 16
# 1 Caption: You Spaniards know nothing of real fashion. An animal dies and you throw it over your shoulders....these hats with built-in ear muffs take real talent to create, not to mention a man comfortable in his sexuality to wear.

Submitted by: offwithherhead

# 2 Caption: "Dont Mess with me I'm Thomas More Bitch
Henry's Most trusted servent!"

Submitted by: Clumsyxheart

# 3 Caption: "Your hair Chapyus..its so...voluminous! You must wash it atleast once every month."

Submitted by: Boudica

Comment: Boudica I again copy catted a bit below. You are too funny!

# 4 Caption: More: "So if I leave this on my head until tomorrow when the sun rises you say the perm will set?"

Chapyus: "If you are fortunate to receive several curls even I will congratulate you. But never never never will I tell you the secret to my spectacular grey highlights."

Submitted by: MissAlexSays

# 5 Caption: "Trust me, Chapuys, I wouldn't go in there if I were you. His Majesty King Henry is playing pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and he tends to get over-excited. Now, please excuse me while I tend to my wounds."

Submitted by: queen_elizabeth_1533

# 6 Caption:
Thomas: Hey Chapuys, I've long since admired your perm, do tell where d'ost thou have thy hair done?
Chapuys: Well I used to go to Vidal Sassoon until he was beheaded for cutting Henry's hair one thousand of a millimetre too short. Now I go to Tony and Guy.
Thomas: Brilliant I'll book an appointment, my hair is just awful. Once I've got a decent hair do I can stop wearing this rubbish hat.
Chapuys: Ah, I didn't want to say anything, but since you mntion it it does nothing for you.

Submitted by: Neveleo

# 7 Caption
Thomas More: 'Well I should act like I have sand in my bum crack, after all it was you who suggested that I go to the Supercuts and get my hair did. Now I have to wear this fur rug on my head until my hair grows back out. I only pray that it grows back out before the King invites my to a formal party. I just don't think God makes an animal the same color as my festive but formal aquamarine dinner cloak that the King gave to me last Christmas. I show up not wearing that and I won't have a head to worry about anymore!'
Submitted by: Darrrrksunshine

# 8 Caption: More: I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

submitted by: desilee

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Humourous Captions Page 17