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Latest revision as of 16:07, 13 November 2020

Anne Boleyn Changed England's Course Forever...
But she also has affected most of us in one way or another.
Team Members - List here how Anne has influenced today!

How She Influenced Today Explanation
Anne Boleyn
The Church of England
and the spreading of Protestant religion

The most obvious is Anne's influence on the Church of

England. She is the main reason Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church. Although calling her a Protestant would be extreme, she did accelerate the reformation. It is often said that she is the one who introduced the idea of breaking free from Rome to Henry herself. Because England would never be a Catholic country again, its early colonies in America governed by the same laws. Now, the majority of the United States population is Protestant. And who have we to thank for this? None other than Anne Boleyn herself! (Okay, maybe a few other people helped along the way ;) )

How Anne Boleyn Has Influenced Today - The Tudors Wiki
Women's Rights
Anne Boleyn was created Marquess of Pembroke in her own right, which was fairly unheard of then.
The Church
Anne Boleyn

Tyndale Bible
According to Joanna Denny's biography of Anne, Thomas Boleyn (her father) was a prominent "evangelical", using his diplomatic trips to collect tracts from abroad to spread the Reformation. Anne was responsible for the forming of the Church of England, not only because Henry had to break from Rome to marry her, but also because she influenced Henry with her thoughts, ideas and opinions. She possessed many religious books and works, written by followers of the Reformation, and was a very religious woman.

We also see in The Tudors that Anne made a point of encouraging her ladies to read the recently translated Bible daily. It is said that Anne also encouraged Henry to study the new theology, and believed that the Holy Scriptures should be made available to everyone.
Thomas Wyatt & Mark Smearton
Anne was reportedly a great patroness of many court artists and was also well-read in humanist philosophy, particularly the works of Erasmus. It is easy to imagine that, had she lived, she would have contributed much to the renaissance culture.


How Anne Boleyn Has Influenced Today - The Tudors Wiki
Anne is known for being generous in almsgiving, and in The Tudors, we see a scene in which she confronts Cromwell for not setting aside some of the spoils from the recently-razed monasteries to help the poor and less fortunate.
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Perhaps most significantly, Anne was the mother of the future Queen Elizabeth, who ushered in a "Golden Age" even more glorious than Anne may have imagined.