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The Tudors Court - The Tudors WikiThe King's CourtThe Tudors Court - The Tudors Wiki
as an entity was not only the Seat of Government
but also the Royal Household - a concept
which symbolized
the pre-eminence of the Monarch.

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"So we'll live and pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh at gilded butterflies,
and hear poor rogues talk of court news; and we'll talk with them too-
who loses and who wins, who's in, who's out-
and take upon's the mystery of things as if we were God's spies."
- From William Shakespeare's "King Lear," Act V, Scene III
  • Alison Weir in her book "The Lady in the Tower" states that the court consisted of approximately 800 to 1500 people in total (depending on the season) and women only amounted to about 100. So it was definitely a "man's world" both in political power and numbers.

The King's Household of approximately 500 people had 2 departments:

1. "The Chamber" or domus magnificentiae which was the household above stairs
& was run by the Lord Chamberlain (the most important figure at court).
He was in charge of all court entertainments, he supervised distribution of lodgings in
the palace, made arrangements for the king´s progresses, received the Ambassadors
and other visitors to the court, and conducted them into the royal presence.

2. The Household proper or domus providentiae which was the household below stairs
& was under the supervision of the Lord Steward whose concern was the material
and mundane necessities of the monarch and of his court such as food, drink, lighting and fuel.

"Being the personal household of the King, the court was organized like any private residence. It was infinitely larger,
vastly more chaotic, and teeming with intrigues and violence, but structurally [the same]... The immediate area surrounding the sovereign, his privy chamber, was referred to as the above stairs of the household. Over it presided the lord chamberlain, who attended to the personal wants of the King and organized the ponderous ceremony which encircled his royal person, protecting him and gracing his every action with the divine dignity that doth hedge about a king. Below stairs was the domain of the lord steward, who was responsible for the domestic needs of the entire staff. Under him was an army of domestics ranging in importance from the controller, the four masters of the household, the master of the jewels, and the King s fool, down to the children of the scullery, the apprentice cooks of the kitchen, and the groom of the stool.

The division between the two parts of the household was essentially that of the master's suite versus the servants quarters, but the distinction between the two tended to become blurred on the upper levels. In many baronial homes the steward or chamber lain was often a relative of the family; so at court, the high officials of the house, though they performed duties below stairs, socially belonged to the upper household. " ~ Lacey Baldwin Smith in A Tudor Tragedy

Lord Steward
Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of SuffolkCharles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk held a succession of offices in the Royal Household, including Master of the Horse, Lord President of the Council and Lord High Steward (not to be confused with Lord Steward).

The office of Lord Steward was one of considerable political importance as it carried cabinet rank. The Lord Steward receives his appointment from the King in person, and bears a white staff as the emblem and warrant of his authority. He is the first dignitary of the court. In an act of King Henry VIII (1539) for placing of the lords, he is described as the grand master or lord steward of the king's most honourable household.
The Lord Steward or his deputies administered the oaths to the members of the House of Commons. In certain cases (messages from the sovereign under the sign-manual) the lords with white staves are the proper persons to bear communications between the Sovereign and the Houses of Parliament.

"In theory, the professional activities of the lord steward were multitudinous and endlessly varied. He catered for the needs and peculiarities of the entire entourage. He saw to the feeding of strangers and to the exclusion of boys and vile persons ; he insisted that members of the court eat at the prescribed hour and place; he disbursed 'bouche of court' or the daily ration of bread, beer, wine and faggots allotted to gentlemen and ladies and upper- class servants, according to their rank and service.

One of the lord steward's most vexing and complex tasks was the feeding of this hungry army of courtiers, maidens and domestics in an age when both sexes ate prodigiously, at length, and with vast ceremony. The gastronomic well-being of English men in the sixteenth century was proverbial, and rarely did a foreign traveller refrain from commenting upon the fact that farmers and yeomen ate almost as well as gentlemen and nobles.

...The officers of the household were strictly commanded to search for strangers at meal-times and for rascals and vagabonds who were constantly creeping into the system and passing them selves off as servants of the Crown. Efforts to achieve a certain degree of economy and system were not limited to denying food and board to those who had no right at court. Strenuous, if not always successful, attempts were made to curb the number of menials who surrounded every person of rank. Labour shortage was still a curse of the future, and every gentleman or nobleman was waited upon by a clamorous throng of hangers-on who endured a hungry existence on the periphery of a great man's following. The desire to keep servants had more to do with prestige than with service, and if the court regulations had not strictly limited the number, the household would have been hope
lessly jammed.

The allocation was carefully made according to status. The King's councillors, the lord chamberlain, the captain of the guard and the master of the horse, plus the six gentlemen of the privy chamber were each allowed to keep one page to attend upon the court so that always he be a gentleman born, well mannered and apparelled, and well conditioned. Other more lowly-born servants were ordered to remain in town or else where out of the court , and sergeants-at-arms, heralds, messengers, minstrels, falconers, and the like were commanded not to bring boys, rascals, or others of their servants into the court on pain of severe fine and possible expulsion.
" ~ Lacey Baldwin Smith in A Tudor Tragedy

the King's privy chamber

The King's Chamber
was also divided into 2 areas :
1. The Privy Chamber was the most influential department in the royal household.
It housed the king's "privy lodging", consisting of the bedroom, library, study, and of course, the toilet
with a regular staff of its own, such as gentlemen, ushers, grooms, and pages.
Also other specialized officers of the chamber were the monarch's secretary, chaplain, physician, surgeon, apothecary, barber, henchmen or young gentlemen in attendance under their master,
and finally, the Esquires of the Household.
2. The Outer Chamber (often styled presence chamber), and the great hall.

"The closer to the royal presence, the greater the degree of elaborate ceremony, until one reached the epitome of pompous regulation in the organization of the King s privy chamber. The number of individuals who could claim entrance into the inner sanctum of the royal presence was rigidly limited and defined. The monarch was to be waited upon by six gentlemen, two gentlemen ushers, four grooms, a barber, and a page, all of whom were appointed for their good behaviour and qualities , and who diligently attended upon the royal person, doing humble, reverent, secret, and lowly service . The grooms of the chamber were not to lay hands upon the royal person or intermeddle with preparing or dressing the King. This responsibility was the much sought-after task of the gentlemen of the bedchamber, who received the royal clothes at the door of the inner chamber after they had been carefully warmed before the fire. Later in the reign the size of the entourage about the King was more than doubled to allow these well-born servants a certain degree of relief from their constant vigilance and domestic cares.

Equally intricate was the process by which the royal bed was prepared each morning. Both the straw mattress and the box of the bedstead had to be rolled upon by one of the yeomen of the bedchamber to test it for hidden daggers. On top of the mattress was laid a canvas cover and feather bed, which again was tested for treacherous objects . Finally came embroidered sheets and soft blankets until all was completed except the concluding
ceremonial flourish of placing the King's sword at the head of the bed while each of the four yeomen kissed the places where their hands had touched the royal couch." ~ Lacey Baldwin Smith
Kings men

Gentlemen in the Privy Chamber

This title was an amalgamation of Esquires of the Household and the Knights of the Body.
The Privy Chamber became a separate household department under the command of one of the two chief gentlemen who also assumed the title of the Groom of the Stool. The primary duty of the groom of the stole (or stool) was to see that "the house of easement be sweet and clear". He, however, emerged eventually as the manager of the privy chamber as well as the privy purse.

The gentlemen were assisted by the grooms of the privy chamber who, under the supervision of the gentlemen ushers, attended to the cleanliness of the rooms.The Statutes of Eltham of 1526 provided for 6 gentlemen, 2 gentlemen ushers, 4 grooms, a barber, and a page, "whom the King's grace for their good behaviour and quallityes hath elected for that purpose" (14 people). As salary a gentleman received £50 a year, a gentleman usher £30, and a groom £20. Every esquire was entitled to 5 horses whereas every groom to 2 horses.

Grooms of the Stool/Stole
See also :
Worst Jobs in Tudor Times (Part 2)
The title originally referred to the chamberpot (or stool) of the king. Later it came to represent the long robe of the Monarch (from the Latin stola, meaning garment). This especially prized title was awarded to sons of noblemen or important members of the gentry. As minions of the King & close court companions they would spend quality time with him and it allowed them unobstructed access to the King's attention. Among other administrative duties of the privy chamber, they had the task of cleaning the Monarch's rear. Henry's successor Edward VI abolished the title.

"...the description of the materials used in the construction of Henry VllI's close-stool. It ..was covered in black velvet, stuffed with three pounds of down for the seat, arms and side, and was held together with 2,000 gilt garnishing nails and 26 bullion nails, but no matter how it was decorated, it still remained a chamber-pot" ~Lacey Baldwin Smith in A Tudor Tragedy

William Compton as played by Kris Holden-Reid

The King's Secretary
The King's Physician

£50 a year
Thomas Cromwell as played by James Frain
Dr. Linacre

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="344" src="http://widget.wetpaintserv.us/wiki/thetudorswiki/widget/youtubevideo/1304bfbfeea6f2f0e88f966f50f41d41eeaf794a" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" wmode="transparent"/>
Made as part of HISTORY's Henry Week which featured the premieres of two new shows: Inside The Body of Henry VIII; and Inside The World of Henry VIII. Further details here: <a class="external" href="http://tinyurl.com/mg4dz3" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="http://tinyurl.com/mg4dz3">http://tinyurl.com/mg4dz3</a>
[source : <a class="external" href="http://www.youtube.com/user/HistoricRoyalPalaces" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">HistoricRoyalPalaces</a> April 02, 2009]

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The Queen's Household
paralleled the King's but smaller
approximately 150 - 250 people

The queen had her own council, whose members, all male, performed such practical tasks
as directing & supervising the care of her extensive properties. She had her own Lord Chancellor,
her master of the horse, her secretary, her chaplain & a host of male servants,
as well as needlewomen, chamberers and ladies.
Katherine's LadiesLadies-in-waiting were divided into 4 separate caste systems -
  • great ladies,
  • ladies of the privy chamber,
  • maids of honour
  • and chamberers.
The ladies of the privy chamber were the ones who were closest to the queen, and most of the other women were the maids of honour. Female relatives were often appointed because they could be trusted confidantes to the queen. Neville Williams notes that Queen Katherine of Aragon's household numbered about 160 during her peak of influence and in Barbara Harris' "English Aristocratic Women, 1450-1550," in her chapter entitled "Their Brilliant Careers", she states "In the first year of Henry VIII's reign, Katherine of Aragon's household included 33 aristocratic women, 18 of whom were the wives or daughters of peers. After that, the queen's household remained relatively stable in size." (Anne Boleyn had 60 ladies-in-waiting)

KoAThe Great Ladies functioned in infrequent, chiefly ceremonial roles, while the Ladies of the Privy Chamber were especially privileged in seeing to the queen's most intimate needs as she readied herself for bed and prepared for the intricate task of getting dressed in the morning. Maids of Honour were young unmarried women who attended the queen, learning the ways of court and there attracting the attention of the King's most eligible courtiers. Mothers among nobility fought long and hard to get their marriageable daughters positions as Maids of Honour. The last category, the Chamberers were the most humble of the queen's personal female servants.

Duties were to accompany the King & Queen in hunting, hawking parties & elaborate masquerades. They were expected to attend frequent jousts, contests that also served as military training for courtiers and to applaud the contestants. Indoors, they could be found playing cards, reading (mostly religious works), playing music & attending chapel. (Queen Katherine of Aragon would spend hours each day praying & her ladies prayed as well). Sewing was almost an obsession among female members of court.The queen & her ladies could be found working on elaborate costumes for balls & masquerades, in times of war, making standards, badges & banners and at other times making clothing for the poor. However, it must be remembered that being a lady-in-waiting was a job just like any other.

"At a time when virtually every profession was exclusively a male preserve, the position of Lady-in-waiting to the queen was almost the only occupation that an upper class Englishwoman could with propriety pursue... Any lady at court with a position could feel she had a finger on the pulse of power, even if in most cases she could not determine the rate at which it beat"

[source: <a class="external" href="http://books.google.ca/books?hl=en&id=b06C-PVZ9LgC&dq=ladies+in+waiting&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=N5pw2-DDYB&sig=EZ6udQlpHoad97SwFk9fsPDSVDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=6&ct=result#PPA28,M1" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Anne Somerset's "Ladies in Waiting"">Anne Somerset's "Ladies in Waiting"</a>]

Women who performed their tasks in the queen's household successfully & possessed valuable social skills retained their positions during multiple reigns & served successive queens & royal children.

-Anne Boleyn served Queen Katherine of Aragon & Queen Claude.
-Jane Seymour served Queen Katherine of Aragon & Anne Boleyn.
-Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford served, Katherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Anne of Cleves & Katherine Howard.
-Margery Horsman served Queen Katherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn & Jane Seymour.
-Lady Margaret Bryan served Queen Katherine of Aragon & was governess to all 3 of Henry's children.
-Katherine Howard served Anne of Cleves.
- Anne Parr, Lady Herbert served Queen Katherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Katherine Howard and Catherine Parr

"Bessie Blount earned 100s a year when she was first appointed maid of honour. Before she left for court, her family would have ensured that she had a wardrobe full of garments far more expensive than her meagre salary would allow. She would serve the queen's dinner but might also be invited to go hunting and hawking with the royal couple,star in masquerades, cheer the participants at competitions and attend numerous feasts and festivities. The ladies might gamble at cards, deliver messages for the queen or start a flirtation with one of the king's men; their precise role depended on the present queen, but they were always at the centre of court life." ~ Kelly HartThe Mistresses of Henry VIII (2009)

Lady Jane Howard
Lady Jane Howard/Slaine Kelly
fictional character possibly based on Jane Popyngcort, who
attended Queen Katherine of Aragon
Anna Buckingham

Anna Buckingham/Anna Brewster)
based on Anne Stafford who
attended Queen Katherine of Aragon
Anita Briem as Jane Seymour
based on Mary Shelton who
attended Anne Boleyn
Jane Boleyn
Nan Saville
almagation of a couple of ladies
who attended Anne Boleyn
Krystin Pellerin as Lady Elizabeth Darrell
Lady Clifford
Anne Clifford/Myia Elliot
fictional character
Lady Eleanor Luke
Eleanor Luke/Andrea Lowe
fictional character based on an "unknown lady" who attended
Lady Salisbury
A "great lady" who attended
Princess Mary Tudor as governess
Sonya Macari as Lady Manuela
Lady Manuela/ Sonya Macari
fictional character
attended Queen Katherine of Aragon
Ursula Misselden played by Charlotte Salt
Ursula Misseldon/ Charlotte Salt
fictional character
attended Jane Seymour
Anne Parr, Lady Herbert as played by Suzy Lawlor
Anne Parr/ Suzy Lawlor
in reality attended every queen from Queen Katherine of Aragon to Catherine Parr (in the series only)

Joan Bulmer as played by Catherine Steadman
Elizabeth FitzGerald
Elizabeth Fitzgerald
/ Gemma-Leah Devereux
attended Katherine Howard and Catherine Parr

  • A Tudor Tragedy by Lacey Baldwin Smith
  • Ladies in waiting by Anne Somerset
  • Janet Arnold’s Queen Elizabeth’s Wardrobe Unlock’d
  • Barbara Harris’s English Aristocratic Women
  • Maria Hayward’s Dress at the Court of Henry VIII,
  • Neville Williams’s Henry VIII and His Court
  • Violet Wilson’s Queen Elizabeth’s Maids of Honor and Ladies of the Privy Chamber.
  • Kathy Lynn Emerson’s Who’s Who of Tudor Women

Lists of the names of the Ladies in each Queen's household
*entries under maiden names compiled in<a class="external" href="http://www.kateemersonhistoricals.com/TudorWomenIndex.htm" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Kathy Lynn Emerson`s Who`s who of Tudor Women">Kathy Lynn Emerson`s Who`s who of Tudor Women</a>
Household of Queen Katherine of Aragon

In 1509: 147-160 persons, including 33 aristocratic women (18 wives or daughters of peers)

Ladies in Waiting (8):
*Anne Hastings, Countess of Derby
*Anne Hastings, Countess of Shrewsbury
Mary Say, Countess of Essex
Elizabeth Scrope, Countess of Oxford
*Margaret Scrope, Countess of Suffolk
*Anne Stafford, Lady Hastings
*Elizabeth Stafford, Lady Fitzwalter
*Agnes Tylney, Countess of Surrey

replacements by 1517:
*Maud Green, Lady Parr
*Elizabeth Howard, Lady Boleyn
*Margaret Plantagenet, Lady Pole
*Joan Vaux, Lady Guildford

Ladies of the Bedchamber (8)
Anne Bourchier, Lady Dacre of the South
Margaret Brent, Lady Bergavenny
Mabel or Margaret Dacre, Lady Scrope
Mary Grey, Lady Ferrers of Chartley
Lady Percy
Lady Maltravers
*Inez de Venegas, Lady Mountjoy (Lord Mountjoy’s 2nd wife)

Maids of Honor (over the period 1509-1536):

*Dorothy Badby
*Elizabeth Blount
*Gertrude Blount
*Anne Boleyn
*Joan Champernowne
*Elizabeth Darrell
*Margery Horsman
*Mary Norris
*Jane Popyngcort
*Maria de Salinas
*Jane Seymour
*Anne Stanhope
*Lucy Talbot
*Mary Zouche

in unspecified positions:
*Margaret Bourchier, Lady Bryan
*Mabel Clifford, Lady FitzWilliam
Elizabeth Ferrers
Catherine Hussee, Lady Bray
*Anne Jerningham
Anne Knyvett
Mrs. Marzen
Anne Percy, Countess of Arundel
*Eleanor Pole, Lady Verney
*Eleanor Radcliffe, Lady Lovell
Mary Roos, Mrs. Denis/Denys
Anne Sandys, Mrs. Weston
Elizabeth Scrope, Lady Pechey
*Mary Scrope, Lady Jerningham (later Lady Kingston)
*Margaret Wotton, Marchioness of Dorset

Ladies living at court in participating in revels 1517-1518:

*Elizabeth Blount
*Anne Brown
Margaret Bruges
*Elizabeth Bryan, Lady Carew
*Margaret Bryan, Lady Guildford
Anne Carew (unmarried sister of Nicholas)
___ Dannett
*Mary Fiennes
*Alice Kebel, Lady Mountjoy (Lord Mountjoy’s 3rd wife)
Lady St. Leger
*Elizabeth Stafford, Countess of Surrey
Anne Weston
*Mary Wotton
Anne Boleyn’s Household

It is estimated that Anne had approximately 60 Ladies-in-waiting (& 250 servants) Including:

Ladies in waiting:

Anne (Nan)Saville
Margaret Dymoke
Honor Grenville
Elizabeth Holland (Bessie) The Duke of Norfolk's mistress

Mary Scrope
Elizabeth Wood, Lady Boleyn (wife of her uncle James Boleyn)
Margaret Wyatt, Lady Lee
Mary Wyatt
Bridget Wiltshire, Lady Wingfield
Lady Worcester - who gave evidence against Anne
Jane Boleyn, nee Parker, Viscountess Rochford- also gave evidence against Anne

Maids of Honor:
*Anne Gainsford
*Margery Horsman
*Lady Mary Howard
*Elizabeth Holland
*Mary Norris
*Jane Seymour
*Margaret Shelton (Madge Sheldon)
*Mary Zouche

Anne (Nan) Cobham - witnessed against Anne
Mistress Stonor
Mistress Cosyns
Jane Seymour’s Household

Maids of Honor:
*Jane Arundell
*Mary Arundell
*Jane Ashley
*Anne Bassett
*Margery Horsman
*Elizabeth Jerningham
*Mary Norris
*Anne Parr
*Mary Zouche

Mother of Maids:
*Margaret (or Anne) Foliot, Mrs. Stonor

Chief Chamberer:
Mrs. Fitzherbert

in unspecified positions:
*Mary Brandon, Lady Mounteagle
*Elizabeth Oxenbridge
Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford
*Eleanor Paston, Countess of Rutland

Queen Jane’s Funeral Procession

First Chariot:
*Mary Arundell, Countess of Sussex
*Frances Brandon, Marchioness of Dorset
*Mabel Clifford, Countess of Southampton
Cecily Daubeney, Countess of Bath
*Lady Margaret Douglas
*Eleanor Paston, Countess of Rutland
Elizabeth Trussell, Countess of Oxford

Second Chariot:
*Elizabeth Bryan, Lady Carew
Lady Margaret Grey
*Jane Parker, Lady Rochford
Dorothy Howard, Countess of Derby

On Horseback:
*Alys Gage, Lady Browne
*Jane Guildford, Lady Dudley
*Anne Sapcote, Lady Russell
Alice St. John, Lady Morley
and others

Third Chariot:
*Anne Bray, Lady Cobham
*Margaret Dymoke, Lady Coffin
*Jane Hallighwell, Lady Bray
*Mary Scrope, Lady Kingston

*Elizabeth Harleston, Lady Wallop
*Margery Horsman, Lady Lister
*Anne Pickering, Lady Knyvett
Catherine Skipwith, Lady Heneage

Fourth Chariot:
*Jane Ashley, Mrs. Mewtas
*Elizabeth Holland
*Mary Norris
*Anne Parr
*Mary Zouche

*Elizabeth Seymour, Lady Cromwell

Fifth Chariot:
*Anne Bassett
Mrs. Fitzherbert
*Dorothy Gates, Mrs. Josselyn
Mrs. Rastell
Mrs. Uxbridge
Anne of Cleves’s Household

Great Ladies of the Household

*Mary Arundell, Countess of Sussex
*Frances Brandon, Marchioness of Dorset
*Lady Margaret Douglas
*Elizabeth Grey, Lady Audley
*Mary Howard, Duchess of Richmond
*Eleanor Paston, Countess of Rutland

Privy Chamber:
*Lady Edgecumbe
*Jane Guildford, Lady Dudley
*Susanna Hornebolt, Mrs. Gilman
*Isabel Legh, Lady Baynton
Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford

Gentlewomen in Attendance:
*Jane Ashley, Lady Mewtas
*Jane Cheney, Lady Wriothesley
*Jane Guildford, Lady Dudley
*Elizabeth Seymour, Lady Cromwell
Catherine Skipwith, Lady Heneage

Maids of Honor (6)
*Anne Bassett
*Dorothy Bray
*Catherine Carey
*Catherine Howard
*Mary Norris
*Ursula Stourton

Mistress of the Queen’s Maids:
Mother Lowe
*Margaret (or Anne) Foliot, Mrs. Stonor

Katherine Howard’s Household

Great Ladies of the Household (6):

Ladies of the Privy Chamber:
*Lady Edgecombe
*Isabel Legh, Lady Baynton
Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford
*Eleanor Paston, Countess of Rutland

Joan Bulmer nee Acworth
Margaret Morton
Alice Restwold
Katherine Tylney

Gentlewomen Attendants:

Lady Margaret Arundell
*Mary Arundell, Countess of Sussex
*Joan Champernowne, Lady Denny
*Lady Margaret Douglas
*Margaret Gamage, Lady Howard
*Dorothy Gates, Lady Josselyn
*Elizabeth Oxenbridge, Lady Tyrwhitt
*Mary Howard, Duchess of Richmond
*Elizabeth Seymour, Lady Cromwell
*Ursula Stourton, Lady Clinton
*Agnes Tylney, Dowager Duchess of Norfolk

Maids of Honor:
*Anne Bassett
*Dorothy Bray
___ Cowpledike
*Elizabeth Fitzgerald?
___ Garnish/Garneys
*Mary Norris
*Lucy Somerset
*Catherine Stradling

Mother of Maids:
*Margaret (or Anne) Foliot, Mrs. Stonor

Catherine Parr’s Household

There were 33 aristocratic women in Katherine’s household, including t10 married to peers. These occasionally included Henry VIII’s two daughters and 3 nieces. The household in 1547 included 27 ladies ordinary and 8 queen’s maids.

Great Ladies of the Household and members of the queen's "inner circle":
*Joan Champernowne, Lady Denny
*Lady Margaret Douglas
*Anne Calthorpe, Countess of Sussex
*Jane Guildford, Lady Lisle
*Anne Stanhope, Lady Hertford

Gentlewomen of the Privy Chamber (6);

Gentlewomen of the Bedchamber:
*Elizabeth Oxenbridge, Lady Tyrwhitt
*Maud Parr, Lady Lane
*Mary Wotton, Lady Carew

Chamberers (6):
*Dorothy Fountain
___ Osborne (daughter of Edward Osborne)
*Mary Woodhull

Maids of Honor:
*Anne Bassett
*Dorothy Bray
Sir Anthony Browne’s daughter
a Carew
a Guildford
a relative of Dr. Robert Huicke
a Windsor

Mother of Maids:
*Margaret (or Anne) Foliot, Mrs. Stonor

*Lavina Bening, Mrs.Teerlinck

in unspecified positions:
Mistress Barbara ___
*Mary Arundell, Countess of Arundel
*Elizabeth Bellingham, Mrs. Hutton
Anne Blechingham or Blechington
*Eleanor Browne, Lady Kempe
*Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Mrs. Garrett
*Anne Jerningham, Lady Walsingham
*Margery Horsham, Lady Lister
Dr. Robert Huicke’s wife?
Mistress Kendal
*Margaret Neville
*Anne Sapcote, Lady Russell
*Lucy Somerset
*Elizabeth Stonor, Lady Hoby
Mistress Syllyard
Catherine Brandon, Duchess of Suffolk

Households of the Princesses
Household of Princess Mary Tudor, Henry VIII’s daughter

Lady Mistress:
*Elizabeth Jerningham, Mrs. Denton (1516)
*Margaret Bourchier, Lady Bryan
*Margaret Plantagenet, Countess of Salisbury(1519; 1525; 1533)
*Amata (Jane) Boleyn, Lady Calthorpe (1522)

*Catherine Brydges, Mrs. Pole
Avis Wood (1516)
Beatrice ap Rhys (wife of David ap Rhys, groom) (1519-1558)

The household in 1525 at Ludlow Castle included:

in unspecified positions:

Alice Baker
Cecily Dabridgecourt
Mary Dannett
Anne Darnell
____ de Bruxia (wife of Peter)
Frances Elmer
Mary Ferdnando
Mary Fitzherbert (1526)
*Lady Catherine Gordon
Anne Read or Rede
Mary Victoria

____ Baptist
Helen Gwyn
Alice Parker

Mary Browne
___ Butts
*Lady Margaret Douglas
____ Duwes (Mrs. Giles)
Katherine Grey, Lady Maltravers
____ Rider

Forty two people in all, including:
*Frances Baynham
Mary Baynton
*Eleanor Browne, Lady Kempe
Mary Brown
Frances Elmer
Mary Finch
*Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Barbara Hawke
Frances Jerningham
*Anne Morgan
Elizabeth Sidney
*Susan White


*Anne Parr, Lady Herbert
*Catherine Parr, Lady Latimer

Cecily Barnes
*Frideswide Knight

Marie Wilkinson


Princess Elizabeth Tudor’s Household

after 1536:
Lady Mistress:

*Blanche Milborne, Lady Troy,

*Katherine Champernowne (Kat Ashley)
*Elizabeth Oxenbridge, Lady Tyrwhitt

in miscellaneous positions:
Elizabeth Cavendish
*Frances Edmonds
*Elizabeth Garrett
*Honora Grey
*Mary Hill
*Isabella Markham
Mary Norris
*Elizabeth Norwich
*Blanche Parry
*Anne Rede (married to Thomas Parry)
*Mary St. Loe
*Elizabeth Sandes
*Bridget Skipwith
*Elizabeth Venables, Mrs. Marbery
*Margaret Willoughby

Jane Bradbelt (see Dorothy Broadbelt)
Alys Huntercrum

Agnes Hylton

with Elizabeth in the Tower of London (1554)
Blanche Courtenay
*Ethelreda Malte, Lady Harington
*Blanche Parry
*Elizabeth Sandes